
Capitalism is not all about KFC as I thought!

   John Maynard Keynes once said, "Capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of men will do the wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
And also, Karl Liebknecht said, "For Capitalism, war and peace are business and nothing but business."

Definitely, when we come across such statements, the first impression will come out is that there is a probing controversy going on behind which didn't come aimlessly. So, those observers or writers had gone through a protracted observation to the phenomenon they captured analytically to come up with this argument at the end.

In fact, the whole thing I had in my mind is that Capitalism is all about corporations like KFC and other industrious manifestations that made everything consumable, without a sound logic of how the argument and postulates work behind.

The kick start regarding capitalist issues is ascribed to my MA program in American Studies, there was a course with a one-sided narrative about the culture of Capitalism in the U.S.A. and how it is marketed overseas. I learned about a global series of KFC, Hotdog restaurants, Coca-cola …etc. Their ostensible symbols are ingrained in our daily scenes that we grow up with. Furthermore, the copycat process of whatever U.S.-made products encounters a big demand on by foreign consumers, to the degree they became part of a global culture. This is all I had concerning a small part of the capitalist novel in the U.S.A.
Afterward, I haven’t deeply delved into this topic though its significance to be enough aware of.

The last academic journey in Germany at the University of Wuppertal specifically, came out to put some points on a blurry immature knowledge that I had about this issue. Luckily, I was hosted by an expert in capitalist affairs, a professor has profusely published around.

So, I felt at the first glance, it’s time to go through it and share what was learned over the time of the stay that this blog comes to show a simple reaction intersected with probing questions capture the argumentation that being shrewdly published by experts and professors, who are incessantly watching out the phenomenon of Capitalism to prove its repercussion on the human life, and substantiating this by the existing Marxist theories. Also, I would like to bring up a quick review to some facts I went into written in a paper published by my host professor titled, “Capitalism, democratic education (Bildung), and the crisis of Democracy.” It actually starts off showing the event of the Great Depression which is called “the last big crisis in capitalism,” (Heinz Sünker). It’s the topic that my MA thesis revolved around also, but from another angle.

It consequently, caught my attention to come up with the idea of picking this paper out of many other publications that were given to me, due to the Depression Crisis of America which Sünker interpreted in his argument as a crisis entailed by destructive implications later on which represent a conclusive evidence of the frailty of Capitalism.

Therefore, Prof. Sünker claims that, “The last big crisis in capitalism -in the late 20s/early 30s of the last century- became in some nations a crisis of democracy with murderous consequences for many human beings.”
My thesis captured this historical event, with special emphasis on the revolutionary movement “the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA)” that exerted much effort in order to flip the restive situation over aiming at dispatching the class-struggle approach into the U.S.A. and creating a new reality during that dark era.
The Communist experience in the United States is a very interesting narrative to explore though the dream of overthrowing capitalism was faded away. It also, aimed at introducing the vulnerabilities caused by the Depression at the time the people were in dire need, for one thing, is getting out of the misery. Needless to mention, racism exponentially inflamed against black masses who were driven by communist debaters into their revolutionary class-struggle plans. 
The Communist Party ended up facing a firm rejection even violent confrontation within the U.S. society especially after WW II during McCarthyism in the 1950s when the Party’s activities were totally banned. As a result, some communist leaders faced trial like Rosenberg who was executed by an electric chair after had been convicted of an espionage in favor of Russia.
Many factors had played a role in repelling off its influence mostly foreign ones caused by ongoing fluctuations of the grand communist leadership in Russia at that time. So, undoubtedly, the Great Depression was a difficult test for the Communist followers in a capitalist nation especially the environment had a vivid argument in which Communists with their Marxist revolutionary tenets found it a hit point to apply the class-struggle doctrine. This event or “Stock Market Crash of 1929” impacted the world’s economy, it became an adopted evidence for the community of analysts who all the time claim that, the Depression of the U.S.A. proved the crumbliness of the Capitalism resulted by the failure of its economic dogma at that time. On the other hand, contributed to ascending fascism at political landscapes in many countries especially Europe.
As well as, the Depression actually constituted a focal point to prove this argumentatively that, "Capitalism isn’t spotless and transparent, but it’s the trap of elitist wealth that digests human and natural energies and converts them into currency." 
Since then, I haven't had a nominal idea within the theoretical and educational peripheries of Capitalism, whether this topic is just a theory or a well-designed rhetoric is shaped by Marxists in order to gain political dominance by applying a concerted “propaganda,” for this purpose or not.
After having been involved in this debate, I touched upon a fierce intellectual confrontation between Capitalism and Marxism, it’s a crystal clear fact we used to grapple with. For instance, the reality of the Cold War between both Eastern and Western camps that our forefathers experienced left an inheritable legacy, it's simply can be seen in the surroundings of popular culture like the renowned series of James Bond movies is rampant especially among young people who like action movies, it plays a crucial role in keeping the memory of the Cold War viable. Thus, if we go onto the street and ask whoever about that Capitalist-Marxist confrontation, he would probably say, yes, we feel that there is something running around us, it’s touchable, probably many don’t know what’s precisely the argument that this confrontation based on. 
Sünker seemingly means that the "Stock Market Crash of 1929" in the U.S.A. led to an uncontrollable crisis lasted for a decade and harshly impacted the world over, which is one of the main reasons of raising fascist sensation.
Obviously, the peoples felt ideologically disappointed and tried tirelessly to find the alternative to what had plundered their pockets and then ended up saluting fascism that came to fill the vacuums caused by the economic crisis in Europe like Nazism was applauded massively. 
In regard with political mainstream at that era, in their paper "Right-Wing Political Extremism in the Great Depression," Alen de Bromhead and others examined the impact of the Great Depression on the share of votes for right-wing anti-system parties in elections in the 1920s and 1930s, they hypothesized that, 
"While fully 24 European regimes can be considered democratic in 1920, this number had fallen to 11 by 1939. In the tumultuous conditions of the 1930s, National Socialist and Communist parties, both of which fall under the anti-system rubric, along with a number of less well-known anti-system parties gained electoral support at the expense of parties committed to democracy." 
This indicatively shows how the economic crisis played an instrumental role in shattering the whole political sensations apart deviating from political idealism. Hence, Sünker argues, that the repercussions of this event led to a crisis in democracy, “this crisis left murderous consequences for many human beings.” I can argue that when the vicissitudes after WWI synchronized with the impact of the Depression, the world plunged into the slope of anti-trust. It naturally left the court for fascist ascendancy including the heinousness of Nazism. One of the consequences of this crisis was proven in the way Franklin D. Roosevelt applied with his failed New Deal ventures for retrenchment to manage the crisis, he ended up embroiling his nation militarily in WWII in order to push the heavy burden of the Depression out by investing in war machines, and then creating job opportunities, it was the fruit of Pearl Harbor, in 1941. 
Also, Sünker argues that capitalist-based societies are inherently undemocratic,   
"No capitalist society nowadays is able to be properly seen as democratic because this must go hand in hand with the securing of personal freedom and socially responsible and made responsible dealing with power. When looking at "politics" and its constitutional conditions, in the USA and elsewhere, this basic deficiency has not only been remedied, rather it even gained strength after the collapse of the state capitalist systems of Central and Eastern Europe."
 Sünker brings up his argument with a logic requires more simplification to be understandable for readers who are not at the same level of knowledge refers to how capitalist societies are always undemocratic. It's important for us to see how is this theoretical argument linked with the reality. For instance, tangible cases how democracy is eroded within these societies, how do people react stemming from suffocating situation that could be attributable to the impact of Capitalism. Hence, the reader gets drawn into an unfathomable controversy where he ends up understanding nothing.                         
I, indeed, believe that not every democratic entity is really democratic even within the frontiers of the land of freedom the U.S.A., it's far away from impeccability in terms of violating certain liberties that supposedly are protected under the constitutional jurisdiction, they are infringed in some way. However, the U.S.A. is still democratic in comparison to North Korea or other Communist-ruled countries. For example, Homeland Security Act of 2002 was made under the pretext of securing territorial integrity after the terror onslaughts of 11th Sep, 2001, it was warrantless and made American masses grumpy at given to infringement of freedom of expression. But accusing the whole capitalist societies undemocratic is a complicated argument for me to figure out at the moment. 
I, probably, response to this by showing the conventional perspective that doesn't fit into his argument towards what does democracy mean. I, admittedly used to judge on this society or that rule a democratic as long as has principally freedom of expression, free assemblage, rule of law, accountability and so on. Otherwise, the matter necessitates me to apply some measures to make sense how these societies are undemocratic and how collapsed the capitalist systems of central and Eastern Europe.
Sünker continues with a quotation by Chossudovsky in his study "The Globalization of Poverty, Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms," to the descriptive conclusion of how democracy is fragile in these societies, 
"Marked by conflicts of interest and as a consequence of its ambivalent relationship towards private economic and financial interests, the state system in the West is experiencing a crisis. Under these conditions, parliamentary democracy has become a mere ritual. There are no alternatives available for the voters. Neo-liberalism has become an integral part of the political program of all the great political parties. Like in a one party state election outcomes today have practically no effect on the actual path of state economic and social politics."
 Neo-Liberalism, is the dogma of Adam Smith that privatizes wealth off governmental intervention is incontrovertibly a phenomenon of economic unfair that I used to observe how Sünker describing it as a neo-fascism in Germany.
On this track, there are questions overflying my head are, can we say that Danish, Canadian, Scandinavian...etc are undemocratic societies where parliamentary democracy is a mere ritual? Or the way Marxists apply in defining democracy is different than the way I interpret it accordingly? What about Russia, China, North Korea, are they democratic? Was the realm under communist rule before the collapse of Berlin Wall democratic? 
Probably, there is a special criterion is used to interpret democracy in the anti-capitalist point of view. 
The Marxist-Capitalist confrontation has a been central concern that I find it interesting to explore. The world in this millennium faces up new impediments in different spheres, too many still haven't achieved their economic welfare struggling with small pittances, the "Third World" is entirely still suffering poverty, social fragmentation is remarkably deepening, chronic diseases, and organized homicides due to marginalization from governments. Therefore, understanding the root causes behind these contemporary pitfalls is contingent on understanding why the aforementioned confrontation is existent which has the required answers.

Turkish-Dutch diplomatic fray and recalling the UN General Assembly Resolution "2131"

   Turkey has gone through diplomatic aggravation since firstly collided with that stumbling block on its relation with Russia when Turkish warplane shot down Russian military aircraft in November 2015 on the border with Syria. President Putin stated describing the incident, "a stab in the back by accomplices of terrorists." Secondly, the round that made the matter worse, when Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov was gunned down in December last year by a Turkish nationalist police officer believed to be an off-duty. As came out reportedly, this assassination was a retaliatory reaction to the Russian military intervention in the ongoing Syrian civil war.

Protesters wave flags outside the Dutch consulate in central Istanbul's Istiklal Avenue, the main shopping road of Istanbul, early Sunday, March 12, 2017. The escalating dispute between Turkey and the Netherlands spilled over into Sunday, with a Turkish minister unable to enter her consulate after the authorities there had already blocked a visit by the foreign minister, prompting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to call the Dutch fascists. (AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)

Most recently, a new episode of diplomatic turmoil Turkey is experiencing now with Netherlands, it broke out when the permission to Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu's airplane to land down in Netherlands was denied at official level which prompted political leadership in Turkey to firmly react to this step drove Turkish President out of diplomatic protocol describing Dutch leadership, "Nazi remnants and fascists." The visit aimed at drumming up the support of Turkish community in diaspora for the upcoming constitutional referendum on April 14.On this scene, there have been hostile calls sweeping off supporting voices to the current Turkish leadership, which are believed to be anti-JDP rule within political community of some EU's countries so far. In Germany, Turkish officials had been denied access to set up political campaigns within Turkish community, and followed by Austrian rejection as well. Therefore, Germany did take its share of Erdogan's accusations of its policies as "Nazi practices." It seemingly the Turkish communities in Europe -though they live under other rules and some aren't Turkish citizens anymore- have a political influence on the political landscape in Turkey can't be underestimated. It's a giant asset prompts Turkish officials to polarize their voices for the ongoing political reformations process.
This event sharpened my interest to look at it from another angle, the hosting countries of expat Turks who are a target to Turkish political leadership as a pressuring factor in any political process have sovereignty. It obliges Turkey to consider the rules of respecting this sovereignty. It, furthermore, reflects the Turkish diplomatic performance that was harshly criticized by Holland. However, none of the official statements mentioned that Turkish attempts of political rallying is kind of intervention in the affairs of other countries and violation of territorial integrity, considering that Turks who live now in Holland and Germany are not Turkish anymore, despite the fact that most of them still keep their Turkish citizenship.
There is nothing refers to the status of "if there is a refugee community could play an effective role in both the country of origin or hosting country, it's inadmissible to set off on political campaigns through recruiting those refugees in the soil of hosting country. But, contingent on a total agreement between rulers." I don't think that Turkish attempt to set up that campaign was out of diplomatic rules because it had already asked for the permission of Dutch government. I, therefore, can't be certain if Germany and Netherlands refused this due to the matter of sovereignty violation, or they attempt to clamp down on JDP's far-sighted goals to keep ruling the country.
It's worth mentioning, the Turkish population or "expat Turks" is estimated over 400.000 people, and in Germany alone approximately 4 million. So, this a huge existence of Turkish population in these hosting countries makes a remarkable political impact if it would be garnered wisely.
Reportedly, Holland fended off the Turkish official rallying on their soils, justifying this action in a formal statement that, "because of risks to public order and security" caused by the Turkish official visit, as well as, Germany justified with the same reason. I actually, didn't observe that there are overtly another reasons justify this stepping up against the Turkish formal visit, which is considered a violation of diplomatic rules. Holland and Germany didn't state other than the aforementioned reason. And, moreover, this diplomatic unrest takes place between countries are members of NATO. It might be an antagonistic attitude toward Turkish ruling party that has been controversially the top of topics being discussed at the international arena because of allegedly oppressive policies have been conducted by since that failed military coup on 15th of July, 2016.  
The question is, does Turkish action of recruiting its citizens who are refugees in Holland and Germany pose violation to diplomatic rules and their jurisdiction?
In terms of legality, the international laws arrange relationships among countries, or non-intervention in the affairs of other countries. Thus, for instance, there is a Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Domestic affairs of States (UNGA resolution 2131 XX 1965). It at the core stipulates that any kind of intervention is condemned including all forms of militarily intervention and security threats,
"No State has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever in the internal affairs of any State. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of intervention or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements, are condemned."
It's interesting to provoke the legality behind this issue at the international arena because the issue of refugees or minorities is "a de-facto" constitutes a pressure leaf in arranging certain international affairs. The rift between Germany and Turkey over Syrian refugees is an evidence of how Turkey is trying to reap as many advantages as it can in return to offering concession in favor of this issue. Therefore, the Turkish official attempt to campaign on the hosting countries’ soil to shore up its interior political process could guarantee successes at some point. It, however, contingent on the extent of its legality and consequences aftermath. This issue is debatable has much behind to understand, because the future holds more unexpected answers in its folds to the running analyses on Turkish fate with EU where the latest diplomatic fray indicates to a relentless rejection to Turkish ruling party's policies.   


A salute for those who carried us 9 months in their wombs

    Women's struggle that came to light when the UN declared the 8th of March as the International Women's Day in 1975, couldn't have been reaped without a fierce struggle had been shaking off the main streets of cosmopolitan cities like New York when the Socialist Party of America held that event "Women's Day Observance in Feb 1909, and so as in the capital of Russian Empire -Petrograd at that time- where a demonstration of textile workers broke out in 1917 shortly before the Bolshevik Revolution. These events inspired parades in many other places in the world.
Tracing back the history, we can touch upon the fact how socialists played a pivotal role in reviving the women's voice over the course of 20th century, passing through the second International Women's Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, was conducted in August 1910 inspired by U.S. socialists, it turned out to be a watershed of Women's Socialist Movement that awakened women's voice one way or another. Then consecutively supporting events were held internationally by socialist and communist activists as well in many countries. 
This legacy is still celebrated as a pillar women rely on and a sanctuary they resort to, where they expressly get their message across to people. Hellen Keller, for instance, was an American outstanding member of (SPA) believed in working class solidarity and had her voice for women, said, "the inferiority of women is man-made."
Women issues have occupied a spacious place on my agenda over the past couple of years, which are stirred up from time to time in debates highlighting these issues on social media where my open destination to the world. Persecution and other forms of violence against women have been mainly the forefront issues that I feel desperately when hearing distressing stories for women suffering, just because they're women, or in another word, the weak human components as portrayed. 
Therefore, these issues -as I observed- are deliberated in the rhetoric of many Women Rights Organizations, which is seen commendable by whoever speak out for them. I however, conceive some aspects turn a blind eye to violations against women up-close to the place where these women rights fighters are stationed to tirelessly direct their efforts in order to show the dark side of other nations where women are nefariously treated, then end up just criminalizing the other applying a lopsided way in analyzing the issue. It's totally indicative when we capture the nature of rhetoric that picks up on Middle Eastern women issues, where reportedly violations occurring.  
Actually, my experience in human rights field gave me an insightful vision on how stricken people with grief due to certain violations are rained down over their heads managing their restive life, geared me up to be a conscientious objector with responsibility for doing as minimally something as possible. Thus, the ongoing debates are a path which suits my current modest capacities where my sensation has been expressed with many friends from different countries each of which has a perception towards women issues in our region "the Middle East," and arguably being used to think that "it's a stifling environment for women." This is an inherent perception inscribed in the dictionary of the Western communities which has made me upset especially with tons of incessant analyses are shot up to me like it does happen because of either religious or the nature of mentality that Middle Eastern peoples manage the situation of women accordingly.
In terms of religion, and contrary to what's said, Islam ensures unalienable rights for women, many verses of Muslim sacred book "Qur'an" sheds light on, even prophet Mohammad (PBUH) teachings urge believers to consider women's rights, he  said in the last ceremony, 
"O people, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Tread your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers."
Believing that it's an unbiased role should be played, women rights issue must be tackled according to our transparent human values which are documented in international covenants. It's not an issue only to practice certain agenda or follow up prejudices for defamation. Nevertheless, I can't leave out any case of violations -if reliably documented in our region- without debating it. For instance, the situation of women in Afghanistan is really saddening, the country has been under the influence of radical groups applying the twisted interpretation of Islamic teachings on women, as we hear from time to time about violations occur.
   Most recently, there was a hot debate conducted on my Facebook wall around prostitution, it's a controversial issue even in the West where it's legalized in some countries like in Eastern Europe where shocking news come out on media sometimes. It was interesting to have a various bunch of orientations toward this issue, that I consider a human rights violation women are bearing due to the social consequences aftermath. However, some of my encounters in the debate saw the matter from a different angle, woman has the right to practice her freedom in the way she likes, but in terms of prostitution and exploitation of her body for gaining profits or evading certain social trouble which force her to drop into prostitution, is kind of violation per se. 
This debate was fomented after I had come across a sad story of an Indian actress called Nisha Noor had been a famous with a successful performance and budding career, but the trap of prostitution led her to end up shunned among her colleagues and was found dying along on the street because of HIV.   
I indeed touched the big gap in conception toward what does woman mean for those in the mostly conservative Islamic-based Eastern communities and that in the West. It's imaginable how uneasy to converge these views though their significance in vitalizing understanding. 
The occasion of "International Woman's Day," reminds us that we're females, not the only ones who've done miracles and successes on this planet, but women have left their footholds in all fields as well. So, we must not belittle or look down on them thinking that they are in contrast to what's said. Their struggle is self-evident that they represent an uncompromising human force we can't relinquish for making this world better off. It was proven when a tremendous Women's March broke out in Washington D.C. in January this year, it inspired women and feminists in general around the world. Therefore, it's incumbent upon us paving the way to set up unified strategies for secure place where our creative women can step up building this beautiful planet away from biases and using the issue for only smearing the others, because women have suffered in almost all parts of this globe not only in my region and yours.
Women are doves that we mustn't be like hawks trying to onslaught them to hold back their aspirations. Because I do believe in "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt.



A stunning linguistic experience at Goethe Institute gave me an impetus to re-explore the poor situation of my rich language

   Consecutive visits to Germany over the past three years left a perpetuating impact on my personal intellectual trends. Naturally, when you had never navigated a theme or an area irrespective was it cultural, social, or political. There are stereotypes overflying your head, and these shape your perspective toward it especially when the first-hand experience for you is suddenly brought up.

It’s very smooth nowadays, that many topics are thoroughly available to us whenever there is a need to explore wittingly or spontaneously due to the existing modern technology that made the universe a small realm, where a heterogeneous social fabric is susceptible to be understood smoother than expected by all people.
This is the estimation to how human behavior is formed by any phenomenon; unknown unless the bubble of ambiguity that revolves around it is blown up through bringing out the uncertainty to make it clear. It undoubtedly requires making a crack in that wall in order to figure out what’s going on behind. Otherwise, the things you see or the changeable phenomenon you watch will remain blurry, and consequently, you’ll keep stereotypically thinking about.
Thus, the process of convergence of views has proven to be a promising toward a better off world where diversity, heterogeneity, and the fascination of multicolored nature, if applied extensively in terms of understanding the other, and then accept his orientation. Therefore, the globalized universe is in dire need for breaking the barriers down more than ever, given to its expansion interminably to the degree we feel that the newborn after incubation period begins wondering what’s going on in the other hemisphere! It’s a real fantasy! But, of course, this is metaphorically used to express how we touch upon this at the present. We need just to understand and taste of the amazing experience of multiculturalism because we come across myriad of things on social media alone for instance, which put us into the circle of inquiries under the title what’s going on on the other side of the world. It’s imaginable how rich our knowledge would be if we exceed watching things virtually to experience them on the ground in which language acts as a focal point!
Well, space here is insufficient to express my sensation toward how cultural exchange leads to convergence of views. So, I want to set off on narrating an experience drove me to enroll in a series of German courses at Goethe Institute in Ramallah -a well-known institute for teaching German aims at bridging understanding between Germany and outside world at the international arena- and what affected my intellectual trends aftermath.
In the second half of 2015, I eagerly and unconditionally decided to delve into German culture after I had been two times to German academic community through a short project organized by the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena in 2014, and in a high-profile conference by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in cooperation with Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) in Frankfurt in 2015. I had no hope that I’ll go back to Germany again later on. However, this didn’t hold me back carrying on exploring the affairs of this nation.
It was a stride didn’t come into being aimlessly, but there had been a simulation running led me to end up being a darling for this culture that I must find a bridge to be hooked up with all the time. Consequently, I went ahead seeking out a good institute to have German courses that put up the bridge to climb over and catch the reins of German culture.
At that time, and unexpectedly, an email popped up informing me regarding a new academic opportunity to spend a semester at one of Nord-Rhein Westfalen (NRW) universities, it was an interesting email sent by a professor, friend of mine lives in Jerusalem. It was a full-paid bursary sponsored by the Ministry of Innovation and Science in NRW, this encouraged starting off with German rapidly.
One thing must be admitted that the tendency to learn foreign languages within my society is barely implemented for the purpose of voluntarily exploring other cultures and deepening personal knowledge. I bet, most of the students who learn foreign languages doing so other than academic and rarely commercial purposes. Otherwise, the potentiality of learning foreign languages and spending much money and time just to explore other cultures isn’t very common.
Probably, would be more obvious if the administration at Goethe Institute conducts a survey in a task of exploring why cohorts of students regularly resort to their institute for learning German, without leaving out the cases of family unification where some go to have German courses for the chance of winning permanent residency which requires a good command of German.
At the beginning of 2016, that marginal desire came into effect, I began learning German at Goethe Institute-Ramallah with an endless flood of hopes to be a promising experience, in which that minor plans or probably -pipe dreams- would be fruitful. Who knows it would be so after having been taking courses for almost a year on a separate basis, including a course during three months research leave at the Bergische University of Wuppertal where I had a very stunning academic host.
By returning to home at the end of the last year, the journey of learning German was not over yet, it followed by a new enrollment in an intermediate course (B1) to build on what had been earned before either at Goethe Institute or in Germany. At this point, the change and the new perspective I’ve come up with thus far will be brought out to show that it has been a watershed linguistic experience where I saw my lingual background through, it moreover mixed up with a taste of intellectualism. It’s an imaginable to be as such despite the fact that it’s still booming incrementally.
To be honest, I haven’t accomplished remarkably in this field yet though the interesting thoughts I have had. However, and without overestimation, this experience conceals too much behind the curtain to be explored.
Deviating into another angle, I can capture the overwhelming feeling towards what I would share, it’s a multidimensional feeling is formed by two factors, firstly, the current linguistic experience, and secondly, my native language “Arabic” in which I had a protracted linguistic experience as well. The amazement of the first mentioned experience is what pushed me to think over the existing impediments on the path of progression of our own Arabic language, intellectualism, identity, and missing horizons will be clarified on the other hand. I actually hadn’t this sensation to share 5 years ago to think over the matter of -why do they have these cultural efforts, but we don’t have them?!- during my first linguistic experience at a well-known U.S. institute (AMIDEAST) for teaching English and building understanding with the U.S. nation in the entire Arab World.
First of all, and admittedly, Goethe Institute is a great success story of bridging civilizational understanding, it’s a success story of how the German historical character and its cultural elements weren’t outmaneuvered despite undergoing to historical vicissitudes, came to an end with the debacle of the mastermind of Nazism “The Führer.”
Who could imagine that German civilizational character would have been totally eradicated in line with the unbearable repercussions of WWII aftermath, had it not found courageous patriots who worked hard to keep it vivid until this moment!
This is what do I believe about Goethe Institute since was established in the 1950s. It’s a global network works on spreading not only German culture but also the German core message to the world over by which Germans could have a positive reaction toward their policies through this absolute openness. So, to what extent has contributed to strengthening the bonds of understanding where Germany could have minimally resolved previous dilemmas? To what extent has managed to disseminate the German word around the globe or make revenues by bringing great talents and gifted people in?
These inquires might have open-ended answers which this article hasn’t enough space to go into. I, therefore, consider them as a reminder to the reader to keep looking into them, because there is an interesting conundrum behind this immense cultural edifice to figure it out.
This success story worth to say, congratulation Germany! Congratulation for those who are indefatigably working for maintaining their identity and heritage! It makes me thrilled and proud of something I wished I had the similar, but I don’t have it now as something represents my background though integrating with day in and day out in order to fulfill my goals.
I actually, paved my path firstly in the academic field to learn Arabic.  Although it’s my mother tongue, doesn’t mean it’s all about proficiently using four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). No! Arabic is more than that, Arabic is a deep-seated culture, heritage, an identity, magnificent literature, the well-structured linguistic character can assimilate myriad of sciences due to its enrichment and conformability. Arabic is what distinguishes us; our civilization, and our interesting eventful history that was carved by our predecessors in monuments that narrate it. Not to mention, that this history was the most prosperous in one of the epochs centuries ago.
“In fact, for a period stretching over seven hundred years, the international language of science was Arabic. For this, was the language of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, and thus the official language of the vast Islamic Empire that by early eighth century CE, stretched from India to Spain.” Jim Al-Khalili 
To make it clear, very important theories and postulates were drafted by Arab-Muslim scientists to become adoptable by many Western scientists later on. They proved their credibility and logical linkage with the interpretation of different manifestations running around us.
In this regard, former U.S. president, for instance, in his June 4, 2009, speech in Cairo, praised Muslims for their historical scientific and intellectual contributions to civilization:
“It was Islam that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment. It was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed.”  
Back to the main theme, during almost daily attendance at Goethe Institute, I’ve observed –without overestimation- a remarkable number of cohorts of German learners who are flooding into on a daily basis. Well-equipped classrooms are occupied and full of the incessant thread of German language is being taught. I can imagine how it constitutes a far-sighted lens that the students or whoever interested in German can look through to watch the German landscape from different angles many miles away.
It has for several times drifted me out of this track to think out of German classrooms and ponder what’s going on around me, to find myself embarking on a platform of different thinking. But that thinking is leashed with a previous Arabic intellectual experience intervened in my own debate where I debate what’s running in my mind. So, I’ve been alone debating myself about these inquiries and what’s occurring within that special realm of German culture or “Goethe Institute.” I sometimes couldn’t cope with that unfathomable momentum that has burdened me down several times, it could be ascribed to a cluster of complex overlapping ideas. Eventually, these questions were raised in, what are the tangible outcomes that both German language learners and Germany itself reap by this cultural edifice? How does German individual who lives in Deutschland now feel when he realizes that his language is being taught globally, so his cultural identity is existent almost everywhere?  
Again, I leave this to the reader as an attraction to keep thinking it over, it seemingly inquiries drives me out of this thread to think of many sources could be purposeful to answer. I, however, shed some light on to show a glance of the indicative scene that the argument is reliant on what precisely want to talk about and why?
To simplify this, I believe in an approach to understanding one another, it states that “look at your image in the mirror of others whenever you want to unravel the mystery behind it.” What doesn’t make it a quite suitable way to find the answer while going through a new linguistic experience at Goethe Institute? But, didn’t Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said once,
“Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.”
And, as Nelson Mandela said also, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”
Basically, there are other inquiries have frequently been brought up in this self-debate from the other hand, what about the Arabic language doesn’t have foreign conduits overseas by its own native speakers irrespective who are they intellectuals or leaders have a staunch zealousness to open up cultural institutes teach Arabic and introduce our culture to whoever interested?! Doesn’t Arabic represent the identity of a formidable nation and distinguishable on the international map stretches from the Arabian Gulf in the East to the Atlantic Ocean in the West? It mathematically consists of 22 recognized countries their native language is Arabic. Don’t they acknowledge the undeniable fact that Arabic represents our historical identity inwardly and outwardly? Doesn’t this language -spoken by approximately 300 million people- frame the concept of the term Arab World abroad as contextualized in the international charts or formal documents like on the map? Why don’t we have a successful network of well-known institute sponsored unanimously or individually by Arab countries for teaching Arabic Language and transferring the message of Arabic World through as the strenuous efforts being done by those who in charge of Goethe Institute?
These propping questions are endless. So, two factors play a role to think them over all the time. First, my experience at this institute where I’ve seen how are Germans and French on other hand applying their professional mechanism, which they attract learners at local community who sometimes drive for long distances carrying the burden of unbearable Israeli roadblocks to reach Ramallah from other cities including the surrounding rural areas in order to learn either language (French or German). Needless to highlight the reasons why those foreign languages learners within Palestinian society dart into Goethe Institute seeking out linguistic proficiency, because they are quite clear like sophistication, richness, stability in many fields and so on and so forth in either country.
I incredibly feel that it’s admirable how French and Germans working for keeping their culture viable in different parts of this world. I however, feel indignant toward an incomparable case between a successful linguistic and cultural story of Germany-France and distressing story of Arabic language that was experienced during my BA degree which I dived into a deep ocean of knowledge that inheritably delivered generation by generation, especially its wonderful literature by which I tasted my own heritage, identity, and cultural character. It’s really magnificent when you explore the Arabic language through profusely written by great and gifted authors and poets, through their productions we enjoy that taste. Those pioneers helped in accentuating the Arabic cultural character over the past two centuries passing through Ottoman Empire.  
As far back as 19th and the first half of 20th centuries, for instance, we can touch upon Arab authoring movement, it reached peak with the Awakening Movement “Al-Nahda,” Arabic word for “renaissance,” was a cultural renaissance set off on an intellectual journey in late 19th and early 20th centuries in Egypt, then later reached out many Ottoman Arabic-speaking regions including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq …etc. It was known as Arabic intellectual modernization movement aimed at strengthening the Arabic culture and identity.
There were many outstanding Arab intellectuals who contributed to and left their fingerprints like Rifa’a al-Tahtawi, (1801-1873) an Egyptian scholar is widely seen as the pioneering figure of the al-Nahda, was sent to Paris in 1826 by Mohammad Ali’s government to study western sciences and educational methods. Butrus Al-Bustani, (1819-1893) a Lebanese polyglot, educator, and activist left a big impact on authoring movement.  Hayreddin Pasha al-Tunsi, (1820-890) was brought into contact with the Western ideals, as well as with the Tanzimat reforms of the Ottoman Empire. As well as, the remarkable impact was carved out by Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani, (1839-1897), kept up with modernism to modernize Islamic interpretation during his anti-colonial and radical dogmatic plans.
In addition to some minor initiatives incepted throughout the first half of 20th century came as a reaction to the obliteration strategies to Arabic culture during colonization era in the Arab World.
Later on, exactly since the beginning of Cold War till this time, Arabic intellectual movement hasn’t produced much. Moreover, other than aforementioned pioneers including the ones who appeared after WWII, the Arab World hasn’t known new intellectuals carrying the message of Arab World through this language on their shoulders. It’s probably attributable to obstructive and contemporary issues that have our countries been suffering from passing through colonization era of the 20th century to this revolutionary time that characterized by modern painstaking reformations Arab peoples are bravely making in order to change the general democratic situation. New rulers and new titles have been showing up since the “Al-Jasmine” revolution occurred in Tunisia  in 2010, was the kick-start of series of “Arab Spring” revolutions aimed at overthrowing totalitarian regimes with their anachronistic political dogmas, this is what have led millions of people till this day to dart onto streets for a new life.  The ongoing Syrian bloody civil war is an exclusive example.
Consequently, Arabic language is a dysfunctional method can’t be acting at international arena to represent an old history full of values as long as there are no zealous patriots work for, either the Arab leaderships have been uninterested in setting up projects for supporting Arabic language as Germans do through Goethe Institute, or Arabs themselves are careless to maintain this valuable culture. And, of course, there are impediments hold them back, but nothing impossible at the end. Because I don’t think that Japan and Germany the countries that have a groundbreaking background of development didn’t exert too much to reach this result after were totally ruined. It’s a matter of perseverance.
“Since history reveals that Arabic was a language of universal civilization and that it displayed its ability to meet the scientific and cultural requirements of the past, we should prove today that it is still able to create new concepts for all arts,” stated Dr. Mustapha Benkharefa, Theory and practice in language studies, 2013.
It’s not the end; Arabic was praised by great leaders. For instance, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy called Arabic “the language of the future, of science and of modernity,” and expressed that, “we must invest in the Arabic language to teach it symbolizes a moment of exchange, of openness and of tolerance, and it brings with it one of the oldest and most prestigious civilizations of the world. It is in France that we have the greatest number of Arabic and Muslim origin. Islam is the second religion of France.”
Obviously, and based on his statement, there is nothing clamps down on learning or spreading Arabic in the West, though Arabic was included among its working languages by the UN general Assembly in 1973. It indicates that Arabic hasn’t been that significantly required for the purpose of understanding the Arab World. Therefore, France is a receptive environment calls for diversity; why not there are no concerted efforts to install the pillars of understanding and rent some nice offices abroad for teaching Arabic sponsored formally by Arab diplomatic channels in other countries as well. Maybe it’s a figment of imagination at the moment due to some reasons, like our Arab World isn’t interesting and attractive for outside peoples to visit and explore, or the ongoing crises where no safety, the issue of Islam that recently has been the top of talks at media given to the heinous crimes are committed by irresponsible extremist groups like notorious group so-called (ISIS)… etc. Not to mention, there are vilification campaigns that portray Arabs and Muslims negatively abroad which enhances misconception within Western communities.
I assert that these reasons are enough to sever the cultural ties with the Arab World that considered a strong receiver to foreign cultures. But doesn’t mean to stay idle doing nothing, Arab foreign channels must take it considerably.
As Prof. Abdullah Muhareb said, “The situation of Arabic is an issue of great concern for us,” and continued, “Promoting Arabic and developing and upgrading education in Arabic is very important but this needs huge investments. We have good ideas, initiatives, and proposals but we don’t have the money. The Arab States have it and they have to play their role to protect and expand Arabic.”
Yes, indeed, Arab countries have a huge amount of money to set up such a project.
In conclusion, I have no doubt that my readers will criticize that my article has many unanswered questions that supposedly this article refers to. I reply, this article comes to lamentably express my feeling toward our valuable language that represents our civilization and identity, but sadly it’s marginalized doesn’t have a strong attention in order to keep our heritage off negligence and lose. Thus, I used this random way to show the nature of reckless eagerness of exploring other cultures but addressing the issue of Arabic puts me into a position to be responsibility for doing something, though I admittedly don’t have that power to do something. I only own my pen and this paper to express my modest words. It’s therefore, a mixed feeling of happiness toward a third language I’m learning nowadays at an institute represents an insurmountable cultural platform was built by patriots who realize its value for them to be as such for their posterity as well.
Watching what’s going on inside Goethe Institute and reading whatever refers to, made me somewhat jealous to end up wondering about the aforementioned questions. Because I totally know what does the old history of Arabic language and literary production was made by those who spent their life to transfer it to the next generations.
I finally recommend that whoever interested to keep working hardly by any available means in order to keep this heritage viable which I humbly express my appeal to Arab countries also putting this important matter into considerations in their diplomatic relations abroad.     
