
The more I have a cultural exchange, the more eager I am. 



The dream of change doesn't come true while staying idly.  

Sometimes we impinge on challenges hold us back. Then, we either give in or move on to face our predestination of success or failure. This is life gives you the chance and it's up to you how to manage this chance.
Highlighting the challenges, I could say that nothing comes out of nothing. In other words, reaching the summit isn't a step comes into play at a short notice when we make up our mind to achieving something, but, there is a journey to set out on to reach that summit regardless of how long this journey is. Therefore, these challenges are possibly existent on all paths, and we can't distance ourselves from a reality full of challenges. 
To shed some light on the social challenges that I have gone through in a conservative society, I could profoundly express that the conservative and tribal-based society is inherently challenging to set up certain successful projects. To explain it more, it's uneasy to drift out of the social track that people used to manage their lives on. The strong ties to a traditional dogma overwhelm the social scene, which makes everything subordinated as individuals living under an authoritarian regime where it's not possible to express yourself by the way you want.  
As we live in this technological era, being successful or building a successful project requires open-mindedness or openness to different sorts knowledge, which can't be necessarily existent within a traditional society where its individuals are wrapped up with connotations are unuseful to keep up with modernity anymore. 
For instance, if you want to change the indoctrination-based educational system, you should come up with a strategy to change the whole system. Of course, it won't be attainable without showing an influential idea for change, which pushes the seeker to assess this problem from different angles and looking at successful paradigms have been shaped in other societies to tackle this problem. If we assume that this seeker cooperated with an aspect in Finlad where the educational system is proved to be highly successful, those who in charge of education within the traditional society may stand up against this claiming, "this won't fit into the existing mentality." But, why there is no possibility to take advantage of this successful paradigm in Finland and apply it to ours taking into consideration the social values?
Then, the change maker will run into an unwelming environment to apply his idea which requires vital encouragement. 
In this regard, a well-known Palestinian intellectual "Khalid Sakakini" had encountered a strong rejection to apply his creative idea of emancipatory education in Jerusalem as an alternative to the education managed under authoritarian system was imposing hegemonic rules on students, which derived from a traditional way of thinking.  
. This society restricts minds,    


How can we teach the melody of love within these political controversies? 
