
The last day in 2018. What I have had in this going year?

Finally, this year has come to an end, and it´s an experience made me point out to the fact that our time is running swiftly without realizing it! I really feel that 2018 began yesterday and today is going to an end. 
How can we realize it? How can capitalize on each day without losing it? It´s like something in your fists but you can´t control it! This is my feeling though. 
What I remember during this year, days begin and after a short period, the end. 
I used to start my day with certain tasks and then find myself in the evening without a realization that the day has just ended. Sometimes I finished the tasks, while some tasks were time-consuming so that I needed more days to get them done. The lifestyle I had begun living years before and continued in 2018 is practiced within an atmosphere full of diversity that I used to live up to in my small world, my room. Even though this world is very small compared to what´s going on outside, I assure the possibility of being conversant with lots of matters around the world. 
World´s sociopolitical and cultural affairs made me preoccupied with to the degree I sometimes found myself shackled up by these affairs. Thus, my social relationships locally significantly declined, I no longer go to social occasions, like weddings, graduations ... etc. I observed that in 2018, just attended very few occasions and paid only some visits to relatives during religious holidays, and of course, parents, brothers, and sisters.  
In this matter, admittedly, I became really uninterested much in social integration anymore that 2018 experience showed to me. It´s the result of openness to the world that invaded my life. But, I can´t dwell upon the point that this isn´t an enjoyable experience, at all! In the end, I want to do things make me happy and my life easier. It´s life inherently full of task, duties, errands, and activities to move on with, to make it easy, to live it peacefully, and if there is a certain problem, it requires us to do these stuff to overcome and retrieve the state peace.
It´s our nature, human beings, we tend to live in peace or within a constant status of quietness and serenity. However, the evil power can´t be left out in our writings, as they tend to undermine this peace or that quietness. 
2018 was a year of hope for me, a year that I exerted strenuous efforts to make my dreams come true, no matter how much was accomplished as long as there are a solid hope and belief that everything will be attainable one day.
Meanwhile, and as a Palestinian blogger still living in Palestine, the surrounding socio-political troubles let me down and made me lose the hope frequently. However, the stuff I´m doing was like a weapon defended me against sometimes unbearable challenges. This pushed me to go through a "telepathy" process that stirred up by such questions kept hovering over my head, "Would I one day get out of this troubled realm?" Would I one day live within the status of quietness?" "Would I one day get rid of those obsessions that overwhelmed me due to long years of living within a social realm still struggling with social restrictions?"
It ´s a reality that I didn´t create, and I will not tend to contribute to creating, either. I was born within such a tense atmosphere. Therefore, I´m not guilty of what´s going on, it´s not my fault. It´s the tangible result of human beings´ conflicting orientations and ideologies that they believe in, which led them to create such a reality. Yes, it wasn´t my guilt to have been within such a realm.
2018, was a year that gave me the chance to explore new stunning things around the world, this was being managed through the multilingualism journey that I began setting off on 8 years ago, and moved on with up till now. It´s the endless journey that I´m proud of. It gives me stronger hope every day, as it paves the path to me to reach out amazing friends and success stories that empower me to be stronger enough and able to grapple with this life´s circumstances that is full of complexities and dilemmas left me to explore how other peoples manage their life.
Upon engaging with lots of conversations with friends from abroad either on social media or at events, I always concluded our conversations that, "Kindly, don´t look at the empty side of the cup, but at the filled side!" There was a long argument behind this. For instance, the matter of committing suicide caught my attention much, especially in industrious and rich countries where stability. I argued that you own what millions around the world don´t own, so why do you murder yourselves?! This kind of conversation I used to manage for the purpose of making people think well before stepping in tragic decisions. 
Of course, our world is full of challenges make people psychologically unable to resist, but, there is always an alternative might be hidden somewhere, just pursue it. 
The most important thing, this year was colorful with the possibility of learning new things almost on daily basis was really smooth since these languages opened up the gates to explore whatever I wanted. These languages, English, German, and Arabic my native,  tied me up with their special worlds, that I can´t easily resist their taste. I ended up being addicted to stick up with the melting pots. 
What made this experience even more promising, my involvement with ITALKI Co, a global network for teaching almost all the languages around the world. It´s the new job I began as a teacher for my native language.
I have had an amazingly diverse experience with students from different backgrounds, that I have a strong expectancy to enhance my knowledge with them.
To sum up, life is always full of challenges that sometimes it´s not in our power to get rid of or water their effect down. Therefore, we should consider the amazing things that we could do and push them out to the reality and inspire people around. This what makes life wonderful!             


How globalization enhanced abandoning some of the social and traditional behaviours in my society?

Over the first 15 years of my life, almost up till the beginning of the 2000s, I got used to seeing ladies in my village using "Taboon," a small traditional oven, like a mold made up of calcareous soil mixed up with hay. The process of making begins with converting the soil to mud by adding water and hay, and then, is dehydrated under sun rays and shaped as a circular mold. The next step is burying it under the ash that comes out of burning piles of animals' dung.
A Palestinian lady bakes bread in the Taboon.
To keep the warmth up, a metal cover put over it, and small pieces of stones thrown inside to put the fermented dough on directly to become loaves ready for eating. 
This traditional oven was remarkably used in the 20th century and even until the beginning of the 2000s in Palestine. I remember that my mother had one 12 years ago, but decided to demolish it as the time was indicative that it's no longer suitable to keep working on although was still valid for baking bread, roasting chicken, and cooking food. Moreover, it was an energy-saving tool used up the natural resource, like animals' dung and olives remnants, taken after grinding it to extract oil, then being piled up to burn it and heat Taboon up.
Upon the appearance of the technological era in my society, particularly, social media, ladies in my village began gradually to deviate from using traditional ovens to baking bread, thinking that needless to be preoccupied with collecting animals' dung, mostly, that of the cattle, and dehydrate it under sun rays, then throw it off on this ground "Taboon" and burn it, which found as a burdening and time-consuming process. Not to mention, this process keeps the clothes somewhat stench and full of dust, as the ash keeps coming out of.
A Palestinian lady takes off a loaf from the Taboon.
Therefore, they resorted to modern electric ovens when they had seen people in other societies using them, which facilitated the whole process.
The same thing with donkeys, I used to see a lot of donkeys were used by farmers to plough their fields and load different portable stuff that farmers needed to cultivate these fields, as well.
Ridding donkeys became an icon reflecting the peasantry life in my society; how farmers are very linked with their fields in a harmonious way, which can also be described as bonds of loyalty to the land.
In the present day, donkeys are no longer used, farmers use modern tractors and cars to access their field quickly. By this, they could load their vehicles with heavier stuff and equipment needed to work in their fields, as donkeys couldn't carry heavy stuff previously. Therefore, I barely see donkeys, and the last time saw a donkey was three years ago in comparison to the past were passing by my house every day.
A Palestinian old man plough his field using his donkey
Social change expanded to the social relationships, for instance, I used to see people from the same neighborhood, gather together at a certain place to begin narrating different stories; as well as, they were cooking together and helping each other with many tasks. This was turned upside down, those people no longer meet with each other, especially individuals who belong to this current generation, you find them busy with new matters, like smart electronic devices, which led them to keep off resorting to libraries and narrate them on a roundtable. 
People nowadays are grappling with a new globalized lifestyle that has overstepped the usual standards; they are no longer rely on natural resources of food, ladies find it easier to buy already canned and cooked food that just requires a few minutes to prepare, unlike before, people significantly preferred to get their food mostly from the fields, they were not consuming KFC, Hotdog, and many more of myriad of artificial nutritious products.
By these transformative forms taking place, I would say that my society is remarkably globalized by consuming what's coming in from other societies. Seriously though, people, particularly the current generation, found it more comfortable to give up the traditional standards that are gradually being melted away into the new globalizing mantle, and cope with the modern standards.  




Globalizing culture ... The needed beneficial project for the globe! 

"Globalization is the process of the shrinking of the world, the shortening of distances and the closeness of things." Thomas Larsson 

When I read such a definition to globalization, I find myself exploring everything around me without paying much efforts to do so, as everything is under my sight!
Therefore, I conceive the world a better place if we create a status of rapprochement among all societies. This requires overstepping the traditional thinking towards globalization, as it's all about "products invaded our society from other totally different societies." These products or brands are part of a new culture came into our society. What's needed is the bridge to get global societies into dialogue to see one another up-close in order to find solutions for certain dilemmas available in other societies. 
It became very obvious than ever that the world at the brink of growing dilemmas, like homicides, drugs, suicide, climate change, human rights, racism, sexism ... etc. These are considered the impediments that the world goes through, which are being developed with new challenges affect stability in all societies. For instance, they mainly erode the state of sociopolitical security, and whenever security is violated, lots of other sectors end up being starkly affected. 
In addition, it's illogic to address that these impediments are only relevant to certain society, ethnicity, or culture, but, they are global affairs matter all societies. Meanwhile, it´s undeniable to point out to the fact that the rates of these dilemmas are varying from society to another. For instance, in Denmark, such rates are barely existent or quite lower than in Mexico or other African countries due to a high poverty rate that led to deteriorating internal security. Eventually, this is a global phenomenon facing all societies, which demands strenuous joint efforts to stand up against with the perfect solutions. 
As such, it´s also kind of a plague these societies are suffering from, and I think it´s time for dialogue to set up a strategy to fight it.
"Issues like human rights and war, ecological problems, drugs, and crime, economic instability, and inequality are seen as global rather national problems that require global coordination or global interventions for a solution." Luke Martell
How can we work for depleting this phenomenon then? I think globalizing cultures, is the most needed process to exert much effort more than ever. By this, the gap of ignorance among the plagued societies, considering the reality of the extent to which they are globalized makes them immensely exposed to change that these societies are endlessly seeking in order to create a state of stability in all walks of life. 
So, who is comfortable with the aforementioned dilemmas?! Of course nobody.
When we bring various cultures together, we´ll be able to introduce how other societies tackle such dilemmas with their innovative tools, or to present the fact why these societies don't have such dilemmas? Or, how have they overcome this?
Of course, the openness to other societies shows new perspectives, orientations, strategies, thoughts ...etc. which might be inspiring for the host society, or the globalized society per se. To bring up an interesting example, over the past years, I observed how much my society has been advancing in many fields by bringing in new cultures. Therefore, my people could understand that lots of dilemmas incessantly in need of cooperation with outside societies in order to bring in new beneficial ideas. On the other hand, when my society becomes completely modernized, it'll be a role model and productive receptive to lucrative opportunities for more investment with these societies. Otherwise, this process is hampered by the existence of the aforementioned dilemmas, which leads to undermining its reputation, which is necessary for these societies to come and invest in. 
"Palestinian poverty will not be reduced without Palestinian participation in the processes of globalization." Ariel J. Leinwand
This in terms of the economy, that I can imagine without cultural exchange, this sector won´t be developed, and I highly believe it's one of the most promising tools for solving lots of problems. Other than that, acculturation process curbs misconceptions that we need more than ever nowadays for overcoming global problems, as well, like racism, discrimination, xenophobia ... etc. that sadly media outlets, especially the growing social media, don't significantly show the positive sides in other societies to encourage the people of other societies to come in and invest in. This is the needed beneficial investment that not only for the globalizing sides but also, for the globalized ones. Indeed, it's time to conceive what does our image mean in the mirror of the other.

"The UN agencies help countries to join the international trading system and enact business-friendly legislation. Markets don't function in a vacuum. Rather, they arise from a framework of rules and laws, and they respond to signals set by Governments and other institutions." William Robinson
Such channels are what we should pay close attention to achieve our goals of strengthening cultural ties, as they have a strong presence in the host societies. Moreover, along with the track of them, linguistic institutes play instrumentally, too, they show the cultural values, history, success stories, so on and so forth. It´s all about the convergence of views they provide. 


Why they´re committing suicide?!

The case that starkly triggered my attention to speak out this time is the story of Emily, a 24-year-old Belgian girl who had agreed to conduct a documentary film before she succumbed to doctor-assisted death, by getting a lethal injection. 

"I am Emily, I am 24 years old and from Belgium. And this documentary is about my request for euthanasia because of mental suffering. And when you see this documentary, I won't be here anymore," said Emily
Emily, you were a beautiful girl! You did what you had wished to do. If I had known you, I would have taken you on a trip to some places in this world. Let's begin with the Middle East, just to make a small comparison between your life in Belgium and the semi-life that other peoples have, and explore by your own eyes that there are people don't have safety, food or still starving living on crumbs thrown in the streets, their lives are restricted by either fierce rulings or social hegemony, they almost don't own any kind of liberties to do whatever they want even inside their houses. If they ever dared to do anything, which is considered the simplest rights provided to you in Belgium, they will end up jailed or I dare to say, murdered!
In Belgium, if you uncovered one day any attempt to violate any of your rights, then you can speak out and end up regaining them.
It's the reality where you were living that millions around the world wish to have in their life, wish just to get kind of freedom to practice what do they believe in. But, they can't due to the aforementioned reasons.
I wish I could have told you that, yes, life is full of challenges even in the happiest country in the world, Denmark. However, the human being should think out of the box and look at what's going on behind the curtain, this might be a pain-healing.
I have no doubt that Belgium is an amazing country where enjoyable things you could do, which might have been deterring for this painful decision. I understand this probably does nothing with mental suffering that is sometimes chronic and incurable. Moreover, I don´t try to tease you either by showing that your suffering was controllable, I have no idea what was it exactly though.
But, seriously, when a human being reaches a desperate point, this doesn't mean that there is no alternative at all. I strongly believe that what I am suggesting here is kind of cure, will change something, and somewhat encouraging to get over this.
Yes, of course, it's an interesting example, there are millions who wish minimally to have a kind of stability that you had in Belgium. Had you ever thought of homeless? Imagine their situation in this chilling winter!
A more specific example, in Palestine, we have never enjoyed stability in our life! It´s plagued by conflict, daily clashes, blockades, barriers, and even socially the rules are very hegemonic. So, freedom is violated almost in all walks of life. It´s a real open air prison!
Meanwhile, people don't dare to commit suicide, they try their best to be happy and move on with this life whatever happens. However, I can't deny that given to the hopelessness, there have been some suicidal cases, which is rare. And might be justifiable for you to commit suicide under such circumstances.
I'm sorry for what happened and really sorry for your mother who keeps on her pain by watching this tragic documented decision all the time. It's an unforgettable pain!
Anyway, I wish this message would have an echo and be heard by those who are suffering from nothing other than their obsessions, which isn´t difficult to get rid of.

I wish my message to those who tend to commit suicide would be deterrent! 


What I discovered in Global sociology?

   After going over this interesting book, I figured out that we should work more intensively on the convergence of views between international communities to understand their image in the mirror of others and fill in the gaps, which could be the way towards the renaissance.
This book comparably captured five societies; Germany, Mexico, Egypt, Japan, and San peoples of Namibia in Africa. It examined the extent to which they are globalized and globalizing, and how these societies react to globalization process in terms of culture, habits, social behaviors, values, including various orientations towards many issues.
Cover of the book
As the world affairs are remarkably interwoven, the argument of this book stresses that not all of these societies encounter the changeable globalization process to the degree they end up with eliminated domestic sociopolitical and cultural values. For instance, Japan, as I could describe it also, is globalized outwardly, but inwardly this process couldn't take hold on. In other words, Japan received lots of things from abroad which can be found everywhere as kind of commercial manifestations; however, Japanese landscape indicates how they fended off any attempt to change the sociocultural values they believe in domestically. Furthermore, they received globalization in a way casts its benefits in favor of developing the country in many fields which ended up having a leading role in the global economy and technology. I could say Japan aims to import what strengthens its economy with new strategies opening up its gates for this.
On the other hand, I found out that Japan is suffering from social dilemmas resulted by restrictive social rules that Japanese social fabric infuses into the minds of generations. Not just that, I find the institutional life is stressful to lead to the high rate of suicide and social isolation. As the matter failure is something shameful there, even if not shameful, the status quo leaves a strong inward feeling that it's shameful to be failed, you should work hard and follow the rules because the environment is motivating to keep on working. It's the industrious brand of societies.
Therefore, the Japanese official sphere is struggling to put an to the suicide phenomenon, which I personally consider nonsense that Japanese committing this, as they live up their enormous accomplishments, which make their totally perfect in comparison to other societies that could barely secure enough sources for their peoples.  
In this context, Germany applied the same approach, its gates are welcoming various cultures to take place. But, Germans still have a solid attitude towards maintaining their values whatever the globalization brings in. Shortly after WWII, Germany followed up a policy based on openness strategy, which peaked with its educational and research efforts that significantly and unprecedentedly opened its gates since the 1980s and onward bringing in new knowledge and academic experiences which are being emerged with the German scientific ground. This what Germany wants; sophistication in many fields leaving the free choice to the domestic cultures whether to be globalized and catch up with new values. Germany asserts on diversity. 
Regarding other societies, I could find Egypt has a chance to upgrade with many things if the syndrome of democracy, as the dictatorships find, is interpreted and then applied in another way. I can't touch upon a reality of globalizing democracy though, in such societies, it seems to me, they are totally being changed and noticeably receiving lots of things within their communities, but in regards to democracy, human rights, pluralism ... etc, not at all!
These values must be globalized in such societies as they are very significant to revive them and get them out of these closed domains under this authoritarianism. Thus, Egypt is plagued by this, even flagrantly by corruption and international debts. As a result, the development process is at snail pace, nothing new in terms of development. The sociocultural landscape is receptive and conducive to change; however, religious values seemingly have no way to be changed as the Egyptian society has been religious where religious mainstream has been influential. 
Arriving at Mexico, I could argue over by saying that Mexico has a very golden chance to get rid of obstructive dilemmas have been hovering over for many decades. There are brave attempts to get the country out of the cycle of corruption, violence which is really terrible and concerns the international community. This issue led the current U.S. president Donald Trump to convince his voters and administration that Mexican migration movement to the USA poses a threat warning of their crimes. So he asked for build a wall at the borders with Mexico to curb it. Indeed, reading about the poverty rate and the inability of the government to come up with a strong policy of containment, left the country messed up!
I think Mexico could survive even more with strenuous efforts by taking advantage of its strategic agreements with the U.S.A and Canada; as well as, by opening up horizons with the outside world.
Finally, what I could express about San peoples, it's a very interesting case study with globalization, as they are almost out of reach in this, it might be a chance to experience globalization and change their situation to be better off. I can't be sure if those people really want to see how their societies turning upside down eliminating everything they used to live with! 
Undoubtedly, this change would bring up new phenomenon to this world if globalization swept these societies in Africa which I hope that will end lots of difficulties they are struggling to overcome, like hunger, poverty, crimes, so on and so forth. 
Finally, I believe that change could bring the better, and building a global society open to a myriad of paradigms from the world over to be collected into the same place, is a solid solution for many dilemmas and fill the gaps. Seriously though, I touched upon how Bedouin community, a small group has special nomadic lifestyle, in my area Palestine and in Israel when they began interacting with the modern societies surrounding them especially in Israel, which is a westernized country, where some of them have totally different lifestyles now, to the degree that it's incredible how their life became something new, so living at shacks and tents with camels and cattle not anymore!



Global peace; an indication of reformation if cultural aspect takes a solid hold on.

  Global Peace Index for this year indicates that "The results of the 2018 GIP find that the global level of peace has deteriorated by 0.27 % in the last year, marking the fourth successive year of deteriorations. Ninety-two countries deteriorated, while 71 countries improved."  
The report continues addressing the level of peacefulness retreated, "As a result of growing authoritarianism, unresolved conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, and increased political instability across the world."
I want to jump over these statements and take a deeper look into the real factors behind these conflicts, which many are found, like dehumanization, sectarianism, the plague of dominance, chauvinism ... etc. which lead those people to fight bloody battles. As I think, the attempt to tackle this isn´t taken advantage of significantly, ignoring the fact that global societies if managed wisely, could play a role to eliminate the so-called conflict phenomenon by strengthening cultural ties. How this occurs?
First of all, languages constitute a bridge to melting pot with the cultures of other nations, which is a strong way to incentify people to stand up and see the others from different perspectives. As the world's affairs are being interwoven more than ever in this technological era, globalizing cultures could be employed to get lots of societies out of the cycle of violence-agitated incitement; as well as, stereotypes that enhance misconception.
To carry this out, media outlets should be employed to deviate from incitement or other hate/filled forms, as they are quite biased in the world over, especially the platforms of freelance media whose reporters transfer a totally different reality from societies where they report, as they only capture testimonies that don't necessarily represent the public opinion of the vast majority on certain issues. Therefore, the revolution of freelance reporters on media has taken a spacious place, which spills over into the well-known international media platforms. Not to mention, social media is skyrocketing in transferring the domestic knowledge out without considering that each society has both negativity and positivity in many matters, which this doesn't highlight that doesn't represent the vast majority, resulting in dehumanization within the receptive communities whose individuals don't try out exploring the facts by their own eyes, either.
Therefore, expanding cultural exchange out and globalizing it to reach even remote communities can play a good role in restraining misconception towards other nations. The matter must not be responded with fighting to overcome these conflicts or instability, in general. 
In today's world, national boundaries should welcome diversity, as GIP also states that, "In the globalized world, the sources of many of these challenges are multidimensional, increasingly complex and span national borders. For this reason, finding solutions to these unprecedented challenges requires fundamentally new ways of thinking."
These ways of thinking should include strategies to gather cultural elites in all communities and agree on the process of global cooperation to spread out a message of understanding through learning the others' languages to achieve peace. Moreover, the success of this process can be achieved by exerting the efforts of the international organizations that are staunch tools to build on. 
"Without peace, it won't be possible to achieve the levels of trust, cooperation or inclusiveness necessary to solve these challenges, let alone empower the international institutions and organizations necessary to help address them." GIP
A big role is placed on government who must accept the reality of globalizing new cultures in their lands and set up projects for this. Undoubtedly, the conflict of identity and ideologies stand out to fight all kinds of such reformations for our global community; as we see authoritarian regimes vs. democratic regime, which put this process into a closed cycle eroding openness towards the world. This can be tackled with more initiatives to overcome fanaticism that has recently been dominating in the world, especially in Europe where the rise of populists led many governments to be ruled by them, who have anti-globalization agenda. This populist sensation is increasingly growing and reaching out almost all walks of social life.  
Of course, this leads people to dehumanizing others and despising their cultures. Therefore, the growing global community should work hard to hold off this by opening up more communication channels in order to bridge understanding.    


A social dilemma in our Palestinian society ... 

I came across a post on social media calling for practicing more pressure on families to curb birthrate as much as possible to reduce global poverty. It also suggests certain punishment against those who don´t comply with the rule. 
Apparently, there are more having the issue I had suggested once about. But, punishing parents as such isn´t the solution. The process can be managed by introducing people to the implications; bringing many children under these circumstances will deny them many rights. 
The most important thing, it's evidently proven that a big percentage of those who have many children couldn't raise them well, they lost control over them to end up with a bad upbringing.
Although it plays somewhat instrumentally, threatening people with punishment isn't the perfect proposal to poverty problem, just make them automatically aware of the danger of bringing many children under the same roof, especially in poor or conflict-troubled areas. 
Here in Palestine, with the unpromising status quo, most of the current generation is still underage, which indicates that the remaining geographical space won´t absorb them in the next years. If we make a quick account considering those children will get married when they grow up and then bring more, this will create population inflation in the remaining area that is being shrunk under the Israeli occupation. 
A map clarifies the West Bank which divided
into areas A, B, and C. Source: ScienceDirect
Basically, Palestinians are allowed to expand only within areas (A) and (B), which cover a tiny area surrounded by area (C) from all directions, which represents 60% of the West Bank entirely and under the Israeli military rule. It´s a geographic classification was enacted in Oslo Accords. 

The costs of real-estates are skyrocketing, which means that there won´t be available places or flats for each individual to be able to establish his own family. He´ll finally go to live at his family´s house and maybe another brother would do the same. Thus, this house will be very packed and unbearable for the living, they will undoubtedly end up making troubles due to the challenges surround them.
Not to mention, the overwhelming culture here still imposes on people to bring as many children as possible, and sometimes for certain reasons, when the child is female, women might be required to get into this process over and over again until the child is male. I can imagine if she has failed to get it successfully maybe after 6 times, this guy will get stuck with a big burden because of tough social rules. Indeed, it has happened lots of times, and it must stop! We are in need of a well-educated and skilled generation. To achieve this, we are required to organize birthrate to make the familial situation controllable. 


An outrage on the newly issued Social Security Law

To carry on with their demands had been brought up at 15th Oct demonstration, thousands of Palestinian protesters, mainly workers belong to the private sector, largely gathered in the streets of Ramallah today calling for withdrawing or modifying the items of the Social Security Law.
Some employees lifting up protest signs. Taken by Nasser Al-Qadi

This series of protests and strikes have been consecutively occurring since the enactment of this law in March 2016. Therefore, the protesters threatened that there will be disobedience in the private sector next month in case their demands ended up ignored, which will paralyze it entirely.
Based on this law, 7.2% of employees' monthly salaries will be deducted for investing it in a social security fund. On the other hand, employers will be required to pay about 9% of their employees' salaries into the fund, which makes the employees very concerned that their employers might deduct this amount from their own salaries. Furthermore, the law stipulates that both spouses are required to pay into the fund, but only the husband's income is to be received; as well as, widows can't inherit their deceased husbands' pensions and orphans can't receive their parents' pensions at the end of the university. This means that these amounts of money will be saved up in the fund without being spent by the owners in the future, which raises the protesters' suspicion with the question, "Where will these pensions be spent eventually?"
A general scene of the demonstration. Taken by Nasser Al-Qadi

Criticisms hovered over this law due to the inadequacy of issuing it, as it was done unilaterally in closed channels away from a unanimous decision by all workers and labor unions.


Today, I was asked again, "What are you doing in your life? Make it before it's too late!"


The Palestinian human being isn't only suffering from the occupation, but also from the social burdens!


Harvesting olive ... 

My journey with harvesting olive hasn´t ended yet. I passed by this beautiful old-growth olive tree today. It´s the oldest one we have in the field. It was planted by my mother´s grandfather who was born in the 19th century. I  estimate it´s a century old or maybe more as my mother in her 60s, and her father in his 80s, and has a brother in his 90s. So, my estimation is somewhat correct. I love this tree so much given to what it has been offering in this life! It testified a long history in this troubled area. Therefore, I keep cleaning up around to be steadfast hopefully for long years to come. 

To be continued ... 


Picking up olive trees

In this season, I told my father that I feel like going to pick up olives, so needless to bargain the field with the renters this time. Based on this bargaining system, the renter takes half of the crop and the other half goes to the landlord, regardless of the amount of product. 
We used to harvest our olive trees, but we couldn't do so over the past few years due to the lack of workforce, and my parents don´t have enough power to do so anymore. 
I actually felt kind of nostalgia that I should go back to the field this season as I have enough time. I like it so much!
Anyway, briefly on olive trees in Palestine, they significantly cover the agricultural landscape, and one of the most famous trees due to the tasty oil extracted. Moreover, people here respect it given to its sanctity, which is mentioned in Qurán in At-tin sura, for example, (IN THE NAME OF GOD, THE MOST GRACIOUS, THE MOST MERCIFUL) "By the fig and the olive; By Mount Sinai; By this City of Security (Makkah) (I). And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam, and We carried them on the land and sea, and have provided them with At-Tayyibat (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We created with a marked preferment (II)."
This tree adds a beautiful feature to the land, especially if cultivated in an orderly way. It's old-growth features a history of a long generation, as many of them were cultivated by the generation of the beginning of the 20th century, even during the Ottoman Empire. I could touch upon lots of them are very old and huge. Therefore, ladders are needed to climb up or sometimes without if its branches aren´t tightly interwoven or knotted up, and safe to climb. However, some of them have weak branches are breakable given to the amount of water although there is no need for irrigating them regularly, they mainly depend on rainwater. 
Also, this tree symbolizes our identity and culture as our name is closely associated with. It has a big place in our heritage though and a special season we pick up olive fruits to extract oil and make pickled olive, which is very tasty with different flavors and spices.
As maple tree means a lot to Canadians, it´s the same story here. 
Regarding oil extraction, after picking up olive, we pack it into sacks and then throw it on an uncovered ground, but not stacked or piled up, so that sun rays can go through to dehydrate it. This process takes about 3 weeks to a whole month, then it's sent to the squeezer, a big factory, to extract oil. Some people take the remains that come out of a big tube for fertilizing the land or warming up the fireplace, as it becomes an inflammable material after dehydrating it. Afterward, and during the first two weeks, oil is inedible, because in this phase still very sour and full of acidity, which fades away over time. 
Olive oil isn't cheap, very healthy, natural 100% no other substances used to produce it, and highly recommended by doctors. It's better than other kinds of oil that cause obesity according to the medical research.


Germany´s new face in Africa

"Germany ought to offer something better than the neo-colonial players who exploit Africa's resources and build up their militaries." Rober Kappel

When I come through such statement, I don't only try to retrieve the past of memory of the colonization era, that's documented in the historical materials I used to learn from since early age, but also, I try to figure out again the philosophy of colonization that totally contradicts what is this writer suggesting for Germany in the 21st century.
Chancellor Merkel with heads of African states at G-20 summit. Source: DW
I have no idea the extent to which this point of view represents a big percentage or not, and whether this view is taken considerably by the official level or just normally came out of the domestic community. 
The German Empire has its share of colonization on the black continent "Africa" that lasted during the period of 1884-1919 when the German Empire had emerged and then put a foothold on three separate areas. The German colonial Empire ended with the Treaty of Versailles of 1919.
Today, Germany is quite different in the new world order, new policies are being developed in all fields considering cooperation abroad is the means primarily for economic stability. Therefore, the colonial philosophy vanished away. 
German colonies in Africa. Flickr.com

When Chancellor Merkel invited some African leaders to attend G-20 summit last year, it declared bundle of initiatives to carry out in Africa in order for building up the economy by increasing trade investment, setting up businesses ... etc.
Tracing back this policy, we find out that noting has drifted out of the normal track that was erected since Marshall Plan of 1947. This plan aimed at boosting European war-stricken economy as a result of WWII at that time. However, it said to have been an anti-communist proliferation scheme in EU. 
Since then, Germany has been applying this strategy in Africa based on trade, including initiatives for building the domestic economy. 
To make this plan fully feasible, many obstructive African issues that are being highlighted at formal levels, in an attempt to find their way for a sustainable solution. Migration to EU is a challenge can find a solution minimally relieves the burden of migrants by creating a hope and safe haven in their original countries. 
Therefore, Germany can set up projects and take advantage of those workforces instead of bringing in foreign workforces by training them to be enough skilled and manage the projects there. 
Marshall Plan is still promising as some claim; however, the recent indicators refer to what extent still unfulfilling; lots of African regions where investment is supposed to take place, direly lack in basic infrastructure in many fields. 
Investment operations shouldn't only target the area where German projects are, but Germany should create projects that Africans can take advantage of permanently.
For instance, education is an important process, the German government must open up its gates widely for African students to come and earn practical experiences in many fields to be able to manage their professional life in all sectors wisely.
Furthermore, helping Africans with creating sophisticated educational systems in the home of origin, is a perfect stride for lots of people who can´t make their way to EU. 
Eventually, Germany can guarantee that its policies in Africa are based on cooperation. This how Chancellor Merkel indirectly expressed her upcoming strategy when setting out "Compact with Africa Initiative," addressing that, "If we work for you for the benefit of your countries, we are going to create more security for ourselves and we'll put an end to trafficking." 
In this regard, Germany has to reexamine the contemporary challenges facing Africans, the aspirations of the current generation, the gaps are to be filled, the needs of the governments to step up in the development process. On the other hand, Germany would understand how can it offer its plans, not just how certain project would be lucrative or not.
Most importantly, Germany has to reconsider the mechanism of its investment in Africa by examining the effect of subsidies or private sector that invests in there on the African economy. It has proven to be negatively affecting the African domestic market. Thus, African producers couldn't compete for the German products that swept their markets. The German producers used to buy raw materials at cheap prices, and they are exported at higher prices to the African consumers.
Germany should make sure that the trade movement with African producers is facilitated into the German market, even in EU marker entirely.
By this, in return, we could see an unprecedented paradigm away from the so-called "The more you give, the more you get," rule 




You, in the industrious countries! Why are you complaining?

    Based on my observations and through the discussions I have had thus far. 
Of course, all peoples in this earth irrespective in developed or developing countries are grappling with challenges in their life. I would assert on a fact, that there are people in industrious countries don´t appreciate the things available to them or provided to them by their governments. Therefore, you find them keep whining, "the financial situation is deteriorated, work stress, high taxes ... etc." ignoring the valuable things could be taken advantage of, especially those alcohol and drug addicts aimlessly spending their times in the streets doing nothing. 
I would just tell you something that you´re very lucky to have been in these countries whether a resident or a national due to the following; 
Education is available, almost free of charge in some countries, funding foundations that provide various sets of help are available.
Job opportunities, even if was difficult to find for a certain period, you'll finally find it. Even if you are jobless, there are centers waiting for your application or request to help you out with finding a job suits your aspirations. You don't have qualifications, it's fine, these centers will assist with providing the required training courses. 
Freedom of expression, safety, and democracy, in general, are available.
Sophisticated educational and technological systems where smart pioneers graduated from in all sorts of sciences are to teach you success stories, prestigious universities, institutions, forums where you could earn the best modern knowledge you seek, are available, too.
Barrier-free travel with strong passport authorizes you to go wherever you want without damn visa restrictions, is available.
There are actually lots of facts and privileges that millions around the world are struggling to have, and struggling to come to your country to get a perfect education, which easily provided. 
Not to mention, sometimes they lose the chance either because of your complicated bureaucracy that might be time-consuming or they end up surrendered to the not possible visa requirements.
Just look attentively at these facts and look at yourself! Don't complain anymore about any challenges you have! They are really nothing compared to the challenges encounter those in the so-called the "Third World," though I reject this term, for instance. 
You aimless drug/alcohol addicts, get up and go take advantage of what you have, learn and don't stay in the street begging bystanders to hand out some bennies. You don't have any justification. Be aware, thousands maybe even millions of students around the world wish to come over to where you are in order to develop their knowledge, career, so on and so forth. 
I met up with such aimless people in Germany, I found out that the government provides them with aid to support themselves. However, in return, they don´t want to do so. Also, I ran into nonnationals who have been there for many years speaking German fluently, which is helpful to engage with the market. 
Paradoxically, life is open up to them to do whatever successfully, they simply don´t want to work ... I think those aimless in the developing world might be blameless for being in poor countries, they might have tried out to be in a perfect situation though.

Life is full of contradictions! Isn´t it?

Merkel and the new face in the African Continent ... 


I´m done with "Tale of Tala"

Infiltration, trafficking, brokerage, exploitation, drug dealing, prostitution, homelessness ... etc.
This might happen during the journey that refugees set off on for the sake of safety!
"Tale of Tala" is a novel written by a Palestinian immigrated from Lebanon to Canada, who himself is a refugee, had decided to document this journey in Europe, he ended up with a Syrian refugee in the Netherlands was working as a prostitute. During their talks, he learned about her personal story in Syria and other tough familial issues, her story with her partner Bilal who engaged with drug dealers to gain money for their trip to EU, including the difficult journey with trafficker (Abu Ali) who was a dodgy and exploiter.
The novel, in general, is interesting and went viral, I had the privilege to attend its launch ceremony in Ramallah at an international book fair this year. 
Because it explicitly highlights refugees suffering, was supported on media by humanitarian bodies as the UN, which was good that part of the proceeds went for donation. 
My other takeaway, it´s a humanitarian attempt, the text is very sexualized when explaining what was going on in the whorehouse, which is familiar to us human beings this human behavior. Moreover, the writer made a point when impersonated the protagonist (the Syrian refugee girl) whom he met at whorehouse turning it into a Palestinian girl in an attempt to shed light on Palestinian refugee experience, which I don't know the extent of its ethicality. The readers will find that the whole novel revolves around a story of a Palestinian girl went refuge to Europe and then fell down into the hands of exploiters, which is incorrect according to the writer who admitted so. 
Anyway. I actually would say that when I read the products of those writers or poets who belong to this generation, I yearn for what the last generation, the generation of the 20th century and before, of writers and authors, left to us. I could touch upon that the 21st century hasn't generated new Shakespeare, Wolfgang Goethe, Tolstoy, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, and many more. 
Also, the movement of Arabic literature (الأدب العربي) throughout the old age until the 20th century brought up genius groups of writers, authors, and poets. I can remember, Ibn Battuta (ابن بطوطة), Ibn Khaldun (ابن خلدون), Butrus AlBustani (بطرس البستاني), Almutanabi (المتنبي), Bashar Bin Burd (بشار ابن برد), Mahmoud Darwish (محمود درويش), Gibran Khalil Gibran (جبران خليل جبران), Alasfahani الأصفهاني, Ahmad Shawqi أحمد شوقي, Nizar Qabani (نزار قباني), Amin Alrahani (أمين الريحاني), Taha Hussain (طه حسين), Elia Abu Madi (إيليا أبو ماضي), Alfarahidi (الفراهيدي), Edward Said (إدوارد سعيد), and too many of them that the list here isn´t enough to pin their names. 
Arabic literature is a magnificent legacy was inscribed by prolific people who are rarely to find nowadays, to the degree I found out that Arabic Art Movement hasn´t been magnificently productive over the past period, especially during this technological era that led lots of people to depend on this virtual world in gaining speedily whatever info they want. Today´s writings only aim to make profits! 
I yearn for everything old; art, literature, culture, so on and so forth! 
I yearn for the old cinema, movies, and songs! Sadly, today, everything devoid of its real meaning and sexualized for profits.
I yearn for the time of those writers who were living a very simple life, but full of real values!
I yearn for the time when ambitious neighbors were loving each other and going to spend their time under nice trees to read, write, and document that unforgettable moments!

Everything is gone ...


At the hospital ... 

  I accompanied my father to conduct a surgical operation at Hebron Governmental Hospital. After he had conducted it with the attendance of my sister´s husband watched the surgery as is a cardiologist, I slept over there in the same room where he lied down in the white bed surrounded by other patients, including their companions.
First of all, I should praise the moments spent there given to the strength this short experience gave me. It taught me that I should be always thankful to God for all the graces and the good health after exploring how many patients are suffering different sorts of illnesses, even some are chronic leave the patients with permanent effect. 
During that night, I took care of my father by facilitating his movement despite the pains, and with preparing meals. It was interesting to do something related to nursing job, I helped with changing a plastic pot on the ground was being filled up with urine mixed up with blood leaking out of his bladder through slim tubes, including antibiotic liquid in plastic sacks were hung up on rack, which was seeping into his body through these tubes, too, from above. 
I looked at myself putting on gloves and imaged whether would have been the suitable job to me being a nurse. Why not, I used to read and learn about people suffering intolerable conditions; I used to approach them trying to experience what they are experiencing, though. 
It's enough to say, my work in the human rights field gave me an impetus to explore more, I catch up with reports and analyses come out of HRW and Amnesty International's platforms that cover up this matter around the globe. 
Indeed, looking at how other people suffering from all sorts of pains, is the antibiotic itself for us as it teaches us that what we are suffering from is nothing compared to what other people are having in their daily lives.   
Imagine that you don't have a guarantee that tomorrow you'll find food or not! Imagine that you don't have a guarantee that tomorrow is promising or not to keep on living safely! so on and so forth, as the list of all sorts of suffering is endless.
Anyhow, I enjoyed chatting with patients and making some jokes, then I spent the rest of the time reading my novel "Tale of Tala," which was about to be finished.
While sitting down reading my book, two companions stared down at me and began whispering, "Do observe that guy all the time catching that English-written book reading without any pause? If he pauses to help his father with something, he straight away goes back to that book!"
They didn't have an idea that I heard them say so, but I intentionally ignored them and kept staring into my book. But, really was a joyful moment hearing this, which reflected kind of respect from them. Moreover, it showed an indication to the extent that those persons probably had rarely seen nerd people in our society.  Indeed, and sadly, the percentage of readers in my society isn't promising, that's why the intellectual movement has been shrinking. The number of writers or authors are decreasing as well, to the degree that people became careless about the new authors by supposedly backing them up, reading their intellectual products ... etc.
The next day, one of those persons, had his curiosity stirred him up then approached me saying and looking at the book, "What are you reading?"
I said it's a novel written by a Palestinian writer I had brought with to ensure that my free time here isn't wasted. 
Shortly afterward, he looked up to me and left even without asking his next question.
In the other room, there were two policemen guarding a wounded guy around the clock. He had been captured dealing with people using fake money. He was seriously injured after running away from the police vehicle while driving speedily on the highway. I felt sorry for him to end up like this, and wished that such gangsters would think well and stop committing crimes before ending up as such. 
Anyway, it was an interesting experience introduced to me how proud I must be of our medical staff! Palestine has a really amazing and well-qualified medical cadre in all fields of medicine working tirelessly under challenging circumstances in order to provide patients with aid perfectly. 


What I discovered in "Global Sociology: Introducing Five Contemporary Societies" book?


What happened today vehemently attempted to convince me that what I have been doing in my life is pointless. But, I won't give in! 

When the surrounding where you live, suddenly makes you feel that you are a pointless human being, then it's time to speak up and find the exit. There might be a different destination, where people in another realm appreciate whatever you are doing. 
The road to success isn't always passable. Therefore, all sorts of struggle might be required to get to the pinnacle; this could be financially and educationally.
Many success stories impressed me around the world. They taught me that success is inevitable after a prolonged journey of hard working wisely. You'll eventually get it in a way or another irrespective of how much impactful this success or not as long as you had tried out. It taught me how to be more persistent after discovering the excruciating realities had some of those success seekers been living in and how they finally overcame. Meanwhile, I realized that success isn't a "piece of cake," it's a journey of willpower that doesn't all the time promise you that reaching successfully to the summit is inevitable because sometimes the hardships and the challenges are stronger than us, but, don't think of surrender at any point. Otherwise, thinking as such is a surrender itself.
Proceeding from a proverb, "There is no smoke without fire," I could address that lots of dilemmas play instrumentally in curbing our passion for success. For instance, the environment poses either a cause leads to success or failure. It's a cause of failure when people who reside in don't believe in the abilities that create success, or, they undermine them. 
Focusing more on the environment, I could argue that success can't come out without incorporating with the elements in the environment, like people and other material stuff, which are needed to create a successful accomplishment. But, if these elements aren't helpful or stimulating, and can't step up without capitalizing on these elements, then the matter of success puts you into a situation where you have two choices no third, either get out of such an environment or give in!
Otherwise, it's wasteful of time to move on, this environment fends off your attempts to be successful. Because the environment where you live is a very important component to succeed. 
To explain more, for instance, if you are looking forward to becoming an influential speaker, then, you're required first to work profusely on your intellectualism, especially if you are going to get your message across to the masses who don't belong to your culture. This dream is easily eroded if people around are narrow-minded don't listen to you attentively and appreciate the strenuous effort you are making to reach your goals. 
It's the same dilemma encounters me, a realm where thinking isn't imaginative takes you far away with your thoughts that you believe in, but exist in an atmosphere is hovered over by a huge dark cloud.
People never appreciate that I'm trying to do something unique in this realm suffering from lack of free intellectualism, and overwhelmed by narrow self-interests. As a result, people look up to you when you have much money; meanwhile, they look down on you when you are poor have nothing to show off in this life, regardless how well-educated you are. Not to mention, those rich who are looked up to, don't necessarily pay a penny for those who look up to them, they sometimes don't devote any efforts to making this life better off. They're just preoccupied with how to earn as much money as possible to warm up their bank accounts though. I've not touched upon the great tangible efforts those are doing in this life, though. 
It's fine to look up to people regardless who are they; however, to look up to because of richness, while because of poorness, the others are looked down on, is really out of morality. 
In this scene, you are ignored as long as what is unique you are doing isn't profitable breeds money swiftly. Of course, money is an important issue, and this unique thing would one day get you money, just hang in there!
The problem is, why should I carry the brunt of the prevailing mentality that doesn't appreciate what are you doing as it doesn't provide you with some money? 
How do you react if I tell you that I'm doing this thing voluntarily to come up with an idea to be feasible to build on futuristic horizons, because I feel that there is a dilemma must be tackled at any price and tackling it requires courageous pioneers. If those pioneers don't receive appreciation and encouragement from the surrounding, they might give up on their dreams.
A further obstructive dilemma is a joblessness, this matter plays strongly in preventing innovation in the field of interest. Because life's requirements are much, this forces many people out of their innovative world to just find something provides them with some money to get by on. Otherwise, life is demanding and there is no time to wait for you until you become innovative to fulfill these requirements later on. Success is a prolonged journey to get fruition, it doesn't happen overnight. 
To sum up, this interprets the dilemma I encounter daily, this is what happened with me today when somebody had told me, "it's pointless what are you doing, you keep reading without tangible results." I just could react as such; don't be subordinated to naysayers! Move on with what you believe in which there is nothing can hold it back under your potent willpower. Moreover, don't wait for others to make your dreams true, do it yourself.   

ما حدث اليوم معي حاول إقناعي بأن ما كنت أقوم به في حياتي هو عديم الجدوى. لكن لن أستسلم!
عندما تجعلك البيئة المحيطة تشعر فجأة بأنك إنسان عديم الجدوى، فقد حان الوقت لرفع صوتك عاليا لإيجاد المخرج فقد يكون هناك وجخة مختلفة حيث أناس في عالم آخر يقدرون ماذا تفعل.
الطريق للنجاح ليست دائما قابلة للعبور، بالتالي جميع أنواع النضال قد تكون مطلوبة للوصول إلى القمة، قد يكون ذلك ماليا أو تعليميا.
العديد من قصص النجاح أثارت اعجابي حول العالم، علمتني بأن النجاح هو حتمي بعد رحلة مطولة من العمل الجاد بحكمة. ستنال ذلك في نهاية المطاف بطريقة أو بأخرى بصرف النظر كم ذلك النجاح مؤثرا أو لا طالما أنك حاولت!
علمتني كيف أكون أكثر اصرارا بعد اكتشاف الوقائع المؤلمة التي كان يعيش فيها بعض الساعين للنجاح وكيف تغلبوا عليها في النهاية.
في ذات الوقت، أدركت بأن النجاح هو ليس مجرد "قطعة من الكعك" إذا رحلة الإرادة التي تعدك كل الوقت بأن الوصول للقمة بجاح هو حتمي لأنه في بعض الأحيان المسافات والتحديات أقوى منا، لكن لا تفكر بالإستسلام في أي مرحلة. وإلا التفكير على هذا النحو هو استسلام بحد ذاته.
انطلاقاً من المثل "لا يوجد دخان بلا نار!" يمكنني التوضيح بأن الكثير من المعضلات تلعب بشكل فعال في كبح شغفنا للنجاح. على سبيل المثال، البيئة تشكل إما سبب يؤدي للنجاح أو الفشل. إنه سبب الفشل عندما لا يؤمن الناس الذين يقطنون في تلك البيئة بالقدرات التي تخلق النجاح أو يقضونه.
بالتركيز أكثر على البيئة، يمكنني القول بأن النجاح لا يخرج دون الإندماج مع العناصر في البيئة أو الإستسلام!
وإلا إنه مضيعة للوقت للتقدم مع ذلك، هذه البيئة تصد محاولاتك بأن تكون ناجحاً. لأن البيئة حيث تعيش هي عنصر مهم جدا للنجاح. 
للخوض بالشرح أكثر، على سبيل المثال، إذا كنت تتطلع بأن تصبح متكلما مؤثراَ، مطلوب منك بداية العمل بغزارة على تعزيز الفكر خصوصاَ إذا كنت ذاهبا لتوصل رسالتك للجماهير الذين لا ينتمون لثقافتك. هذا الحلم هو متآكل بسهولة إذا كان حولك هم ضيقي الأفق لا يستمعون إليك باهتمام ويقدرون الجهود الحثيثة التي تضع لتصل لأهدافك.
إنها نفس المعضلة التي تواجهني، بيئة حيث التفكير ليس عميق الخيال يأخذك بعيدا مع أفكارك التي تؤمن بأنها موجودة في أجواء تحوم في أفقها سحابة داكنة ضخمة.
الناس لا يقدرون أبدا بأنني أحاول أن أفعل شيئاً ما نادرا في محيط يعاني من الإفتقار للفكر الحر وتهيمن عليه المصالح الذاتية الضيقة. كنتيجة لذلك، ينظر لك الناس بوقار عندما تملك الكثير من المال، وفي ذات الوقت بنظرون لك بدونية عندما تكون فقيرا لا تملك شيئاَ تتباهى به في هذه الحياة، بصرف النظر عما إذا كنت متعلما جيدا أو لا. لا لذكر بأن هؤلاء الأغنياء ينظر لهم بوقار ليس بالضرورة أن يدفعوا أية قرش لهولاء الذين ينظرو لهم بهذه النظرة.
هم في بعض الأحيان لا يكرهون أية جهود لجعل هذه الحياة أفضل حالاً، هم فقط منشغلون مع كيفية كسب المال قدر الإمكان لتدفئة حساباتهم البنكية. من الجميل النظر بوقار للناس بصرف النظر عمن هم، ولكن أن تنظر إليهم هكذا بسبب الثراء، في حين أن الفقر ينظر إليه بالنظرة العكسية، فهذا خارج نطاق الأخلاق.
في هذا المشهد أنت متجاهل طالما أن الشيء النادر الذي تعمله هو غير مدرا للربح على وجه السرعة. بالطبع المال هو مسألة مهمة، وهو شيء نادر سيجلب لك المال يوماً ما، فقط انتظر!
المشكلة هي لماذا يجب أن أحمل وطأة العقلية السائدة التي لا تقدر ما أفعله بما أنها لا تقدم بعض المال؟
كيف هي ردة فعلك إذا أخبرتك بأنني أفعل ذلك طوعياً لاختراع فكرة لتكون مُجدية لتبنى عليها أفقاً مستقبلية لأنني أشعر بأن هناك معضلة يجب أن تعالج بأن ثمن، وعلاجها يتطلب رياديين شجعان. وإذا لم يتلق هؤلاء الرياديون التقدير والتشجيع من المحيط، قد يتخلون عن أحلامهم.
معضلة شائكة إضافية، البطالة، هذه المسألة تلعب بقوة في منع الإبتكار في مجال الإهتمام. لأن متطلبات الحياة هي الحياة هي كثيرة وذلك يجبر الكثير من الناس للخروج من العالم الإبتكاري الخاص بهم، فقط لإيجاد شيئاً ما يوفر لهم بعض المال.
وإلا الحياة هي كثيرة الطلب ولا وقت لانتظارك حتى تصبح ابتكارياً للإيفاء بهذه المطالب حقاً. النجاح هو رحلة مطولة لتؤتى ثمارها، وذلك لا يحدث في ليلة وضحاها.
في الختام، هذا يفسر المعضلة التي أواجه يومياً، هذا ما حدث معي اليوم عندما أخبرني أحدهم: "ما تقوم به هو غير مجدي، تستمر بالقراءة دون نتائج ملموسة."
يمكنني الرد فقط على هذا النحو، لا تكن خاضعاً للحساد! تقدم مع ما تؤمن به حيث لا يمكن أحد أن يمنعك تحت إرادتك المتينة! 
علاوة على ذلك، لا تنتظر الآخرين بأن يجعلوا أحلامك حقيقية، افعلها بنفسك!
