
A salute for those who carried us 9 months in their wombs

    Women's struggle that came to light when the UN declared the 8th of March as the International Women's Day in 1975, couldn't have been reaped without a fierce struggle had been shaking off the main streets of cosmopolitan cities like New York when the Socialist Party of America held that event "Women's Day Observance in Feb 1909, and so as in the capital of Russian Empire -Petrograd at that time- where a demonstration of textile workers broke out in 1917 shortly before the Bolshevik Revolution. These events inspired parades in many other places in the world.
Tracing back the history, we can touch upon the fact how socialists played a pivotal role in reviving the women's voice over the course of 20th century, passing through the second International Women's Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, was conducted in August 1910 inspired by U.S. socialists, it turned out to be a watershed of Women's Socialist Movement that awakened women's voice one way or another. Then consecutively supporting events were held internationally by socialist and communist activists as well in many countries. 
This legacy is still celebrated as a pillar women rely on and a sanctuary they resort to, where they expressly get their message across to people. Hellen Keller, for instance, was an American outstanding member of (SPA) believed in working class solidarity and had her voice for women, said, "the inferiority of women is man-made."
Women issues have occupied a spacious place on my agenda over the past couple of years, which are stirred up from time to time in debates highlighting these issues on social media where my open destination to the world. Persecution and other forms of violence against women have been mainly the forefront issues that I feel desperately when hearing distressing stories for women suffering, just because they're women, or in another word, the weak human components as portrayed. 
Therefore, these issues -as I observed- are deliberated in the rhetoric of many Women Rights Organizations, which is seen commendable by whoever speak out for them. I however, conceive some aspects turn a blind eye to violations against women up-close to the place where these women rights fighters are stationed to tirelessly direct their efforts in order to show the dark side of other nations where women are nefariously treated, then end up just criminalizing the other applying a lopsided way in analyzing the issue. It's totally indicative when we capture the nature of rhetoric that picks up on Middle Eastern women issues, where reportedly violations occurring.  
Actually, my experience in human rights field gave me an insightful vision on how stricken people with grief due to certain violations are rained down over their heads managing their restive life, geared me up to be a conscientious objector with responsibility for doing as minimally something as possible. Thus, the ongoing debates are a path which suits my current modest capacities where my sensation has been expressed with many friends from different countries each of which has a perception towards women issues in our region "the Middle East," and arguably being used to think that "it's a stifling environment for women." This is an inherent perception inscribed in the dictionary of the Western communities which has made me upset especially with tons of incessant analyses are shot up to me like it does happen because of either religious or the nature of mentality that Middle Eastern peoples manage the situation of women accordingly.
In terms of religion, and contrary to what's said, Islam ensures unalienable rights for women, many verses of Muslim sacred book "Qur'an" sheds light on, even prophet Mohammad (PBUH) teachings urge believers to consider women's rights, he  said in the last ceremony, 
"O people, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Tread your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers."
Believing that it's an unbiased role should be played, women rights issue must be tackled according to our transparent human values which are documented in international covenants. It's not an issue only to practice certain agenda or follow up prejudices for defamation. Nevertheless, I can't leave out any case of violations -if reliably documented in our region- without debating it. For instance, the situation of women in Afghanistan is really saddening, the country has been under the influence of radical groups applying the twisted interpretation of Islamic teachings on women, as we hear from time to time about violations occur.
   Most recently, there was a hot debate conducted on my Facebook wall around prostitution, it's a controversial issue even in the West where it's legalized in some countries like in Eastern Europe where shocking news come out on media sometimes. It was interesting to have a various bunch of orientations toward this issue, that I consider a human rights violation women are bearing due to the social consequences aftermath. However, some of my encounters in the debate saw the matter from a different angle, woman has the right to practice her freedom in the way she likes, but in terms of prostitution and exploitation of her body for gaining profits or evading certain social trouble which force her to drop into prostitution, is kind of violation per se. 
This debate was fomented after I had come across a sad story of an Indian actress called Nisha Noor had been a famous with a successful performance and budding career, but the trap of prostitution led her to end up shunned among her colleagues and was found dying along on the street because of HIV.   
I indeed touched the big gap in conception toward what does woman mean for those in the mostly conservative Islamic-based Eastern communities and that in the West. It's imaginable how uneasy to converge these views though their significance in vitalizing understanding. 
The occasion of "International Woman's Day," reminds us that we're females, not the only ones who've done miracles and successes on this planet, but women have left their footholds in all fields as well. So, we must not belittle or look down on them thinking that they are in contrast to what's said. Their struggle is self-evident that they represent an uncompromising human force we can't relinquish for making this world better off. It was proven when a tremendous Women's March broke out in Washington D.C. in January this year, it inspired women and feminists in general around the world. Therefore, it's incumbent upon us paving the way to set up unified strategies for secure place where our creative women can step up building this beautiful planet away from biases and using the issue for only smearing the others, because women have suffered in almost all parts of this globe not only in my region and yours.
Women are doves that we mustn't be like hawks trying to onslaught them to hold back their aspirations. Because I do believe in "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt.


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