
Rural and tribal society is the hurdle on the path of human advancement.

Human communities are various around the world. Some consumer, while others are productive. We live in a globalized universe where life is accelerating to the degree that you have to keep up with sophistication. Otherwise, you'll stay entrapped in the box, which is a big problem on the path of human development that requires you to get your mind off certain realms that withhold the mental capacities from making creativity.
In this context, I'm trying to prove the argument that conservative, rural, tribal or traditional communities are the main hurdle that impedes the human development. I think such communities are in dire need of "a shaking up process" in order to sweep off the elements that curb the development of the human mind and prevents it from updating its thoughts by throwing out the outdated things.
To explain more, the nature of mentality that's existing within the conservative or rural realms believe that the human mind is a pot must be dedicated to certain traditions that people or the adherents of this think that they're the only way to move on with the human life. Not to mention, those people believe that science and logical postulates come only out of places where preachers interpret religious texts based on their own interpretation without a sound logic. The dilemma is, those people are judgmental without critical thinking or taking a look at the other side of the mirror -other cultures- societies or civilizations to put new colors and find where's the rift or the point where those folks in other communities have made successes in order to deepen their thinking of what's the problem with the community they live in.
It's not a matter of beautifying other cultures and looking down on yours at all. Because conservative and rural communities have never reflected the real culture that characterizes entity within them due to the reason that culture and intellectualism are neglected. The tangible outcomes of these communities is a mentality rejects the principle of taking in new thoughts which contradict the common sense as they think. It's totally false, just bring in the intellectual products of other communities and have an argument over it. Check out what are the deficiencies either in yours or in the others. Basically, you in the conservative and rural community don't use the sound logic in your own culture, because you don't read to figure out how valuable your intellectual products are when opening up with the others which gives you the chance to develop your them. But, you don't want this, you are surrendered to the social hegemony that forces you to stay under the umbrella of backwardness.
It's fine, you're religious or believing in a certain faith, just bring it out and debate over it don't keep silent because of certain fears from bringing new ideas in. It's a matter of courage to get out of a small geographic area where the human beings have kept on the same level of thinking. God gave us the mind for filling it up with renewable knowledge, and it's an inevitable chance to develop it and leave what holds you back behind. Don't keep listening to outdated arguments, this won't help you out at all!
This is what conservative and rural communities are characterized by. For instance, in a near village, there are approx. 18.000 population, up till now, there haven't been any kind of creativities, scientific papers have been published, new intellectuals and debators to help us with generating new thoughts might be feasible for this globe. Not at all.
I'm afraid to make statistics to collide with awful results about rural and tribal communities that represent a massive part of many countries. What have they offered so far?
Why have many creative people ended up being losers? What prevents them from keeping up? Certainly, many pioneers are struggling within such suffocating realms.
There is a big problem must be tackled as soon as possible.

Note, (incomplete and unedited due to lack of time)

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