
The semester is almost over at UCT

   I don't usually like the end, but I like things to go on endlessly. But, this is illogic because everything has an end, each task has an end, each episode we live in will reach to an end one day, no mission will last forever though unless this mission or that thing is inherently ever-lasting. I do believe in the end, it doesn't concern me, but what concerns me is what will come after the end. Moreover, the end might lead to forgetting the amazing moments that were spent during a journey beforehand due to a new experience I just embarked on. That's why I keep documenting whatever I pass through in order to keep on the viability of those moments. I'm kind of appreciating life and time that have to be saved for the next years because these moments are lessons in life that can be learned from later on.   
Over the past decade, I have had endings in various walks of life, some gave and impetus to move on breaking down the barriers, and some let me down, so I felt that hope was lost and became irretrievable because the feeling of frustration is not that easy to resist sometimes. But I could overcome the challenge, this how we always should be. 
At UCT, a new academic experience that I can't deny how important to go through such experience, not because the nature of curriculum or materials are given as they can be simply found somewhere else, but the new environment and its elements where UCT is the knowledge itself, is the material to learn from. New culture and new society, from which lots of things to be learned, the way people experience life either in the academy or outside this loop teaches a lot.

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