
Putin-Emmanuel convention ... The interior incarceration strategy is still chasing Russia down abroad. 

   On May 29th a reporter stood up in the hall of the Palace of Versailles and skeptically directed a question to President Putin after his speech about to what extent his leadership is meant to ensure freedom of journalism, human rights as he assured his step for more openness towards the outside world by fostering cultural exchange as maintained to work on this path with France, "I would love to see more French people speaking Russian and so as with regard to French for Russian students," said Putin.
French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin give a joint press conference at the Chateau de Versailles on May 29, 2017 (Philippe Wojazer/Reuters)
It's one of the investigative inquiries directed to Mr. Putin at the joint conference with his French newly elected counterpart Emmanuel Macron. This because of unpleasant image of Russia regarding its record of clamping down on some civil liberties culminated in the latest controversial law "Foreign Agent" enacted in Nov 2012, it stipulates that NGOs, whether human rights groups or devoted to other civil independent liberties are threat to national security which accused of espionage, must be revoked of their licences.  
Mr. Putin consequently, exposed to this in an attempt to read the reaction from a leader far away from being up-close to the EU ambitions. This leader has been on the contradictory side of the NATO-controlled zone, as long as Kremlin has been implementing the tit-for-tat policy for installing the status of military equilibrium on the ground which aims at curbing NATO's influence.
The atmosphere inside the hall peaked in the question of the controversial Russian meddling in the meddling in the election in foreign countries either by cyberbullying that Moscow has been accused of or by hosting prominent political figures to discuss issues proved to have been a stark intervention in foreign affairs entailing more setback in the road of diplomatic ties due to its remoteness from the media in terms of what was being discussed. Therefore, needless for the masses to know that the loser in the French electoral contest had been hosted by Putin maybe several times, she showed her disapproval of EU sanctions against Russia and French membership in NATO.
Putin flatteringly answered, "As for the alleged intervention I have nothing to discuss with my French partner about this matter, it's all about press game."
It tacitly shows that Putin didn't come to French to discuss matters devoid of proofs, he came with a task of flipping over the past record and opening up a new conduit of understanding with France that might be leading to perfect ties with this neighborliness. This was obviously brought up in his discourse that can be characterized by leniency.
One may wonder if Putin is very naive to this degree came from Moscow to celebrate the third anniversary of Franco-Russian historical relations that took place when Peter the Great visited France and spent some time there in 1717. I don't think so, Putin is primarily very interested in figuring out the future plans of NATO and how will it move on in the region, as well as, how the newly elected Macron will handle his attitude towards Russian-French relation in his next 5 years ahead in the office. Moreover, the Syrian crisis is immensely a central concern to see if his foothold in that conflict-ridden area would go on according to his concerted plan of keeping Assad's alive.
It's rarely that France to be visited from Russian high-profile officials to celebrate this occasion that we barely hear about, the history didn't testify the fact of Russian diplomatic shuttle organized specially for cherishing intercultural integration overseas. Russia doesn't much pay close attention to such ties at the leadership's level. Russian diplomatic shuttle when lands down, it's prepared for political and economic motives. Of course, the military exchange is always on the agenda. However, military exchange with Euro Zone seems far-fetched with Russia at the moment.
Thus, Putin's visit came on time under the cover of celebrating the third anniversary of Franco-Russian relations to put glue on the festering cleavage in the path of diplomatic relations that have been deteriorated since EU imposed sanctions against Russia over Ukrainian crisis in 2014 after military intervention there including seizing Crimea.
For that reason, Russia at some point declares the compromise over the rifts to find an exit out of its intransigence policy that got used to holding the willingness of compromise back. It, however, compelled to make it when the military equation is exposed to imminent risks. The Syrian fatal sectarian crisis brought out many instances of Russian solid position that denies acquiescence to the dictations of the foreign sponsors of domestic fighting parties. Furthermore, Russia denies the fact of coercive military intervention at international arena claiming it's legitimate came after an urgent request for protection from Russian leadership which is not violation according to the international law. It explicitly denies the term of orgy policy in the Middle East or Ukraine as accused by many western aspects.
As such, Putin's visit in France has some dimensions. First, Syrian battlefield where foreign military arms are fighting constitute a big threat to the Russian arm -the protector of Assad's regime- there which necessitates it to increase intelligence collaboration with the Western agencies that their countries back up those homegrown militias or foreign-sponsored mercenaries. In another word, it's a proxy war each of which is looking forward fortifying its position which the intelligence provides an update for Russia and the USA for instance about how the battle is being managed. As France has a presence there, it's a good chance to not miss out on to have an understanding concerning the ongoing battle there. 
Second, Russia has that strategy of twisting the arm of the entire Western World, and by paying such visit that the cultural exchange lies ahead a policy of openness, comes to show a strong message that is not all about a military orgy.




Frustration... Second and third language might shift it away

  "To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcomes, not the obstacles." T. F. Hodge

It's perfect to read such statement, it might be a palliative to the severity of frustration for some frustrated at some point. But, this strategy might be highly demanding and psychologically protracted and time-consuming to the degree that frustration susceptible people give in at a certain phase, because they need rapid results not waiting for a long time to overcome frustration.
At the moment, I have a suggestion to get out of frustration and the boring realm that entraps you within it. It simply requires you to change the routine by bringing something new in might be cultural to add it to your schedule and continue having its effect on your personality. Timely, it must be with a permanent affect attracts you to keep off daily routine. So, what makes this globe charming? It's, of course, multi colorism. Imagine the nature is either grayish or blackish and white in the middle, we won't taste its beauty then.
The same thing with our daily life that must be embellished with a variety of activities and hobbies that drift us away from the hub of frustration. As John C. Maxwell said,
"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."
Recently, I've gone through a multi-linguistic experience peaked in German the third language I'm tirelessly brushing up on right now. German imposes itself on many fields which polarize many people from different poles of this world to learn it due to the policy of openness towards outside world that Germany has been implementing since WWII and the great Renaissance it achieved.
With this third language, I can personally testify that my life characterized as an ever-changing with new horizons keep me attracted to, keep my time full of interesting things, push me into the cycle of tasting multi-culturalism with myriad of concepts and vocabularies that intensify the curiosity to explore the message behind leading to wrap myself up with a new exquisite mantel I enjoy having in my life.
It, significantly, contributes to forgetting the factors that cause frustration, that might be a negative reminiscence of failed experience or grave mistake you committed which keep you frustrated. Languages fill you with magical effect by keeping your mind positively functioning. For me, I can't stop thinking of what are people in Berlin, Vienna ... etc doing? What makes their identity and culture vivid? What'll they plan for the foreseeable future? and so on and so forth.
It's imaginable how stunning this when exploring and understanding it by their own mother tongue. So, how beautiful the language it is!
No doubt, people are with different interests to explore what adds new horizons to their field of interest which the language plays crucially in.
With every new expression, you learn, new endless flood of elements you'll have to the asset of your knowledge which retakes the place of frustration in your life.
This is my suggestion today delving into a linguistic experience to break down the thorn of frustration that impedes our succeses. Try it out.


Trump's shuttling visit to the MENA region. What's the new paradigm for peace?

   I touched upon the mystification towards the way how Saudi leadership hosted president Trump as it's the first formal ceremony has ever held throughout the history of the Royal Family. Those viewers and commentators including Americans themselves felt grumpy at the exaggerating way that Trump doesn't deserve to be treated as such, it didn't go beyond their expectation. I would say that, don't expect Saudis to be cold-hearted towards Trump, the situation there requires inevitably staunch allies. Furthermore, it was not the first time that Saudi leadership lavishly hosts an official figure, there had been such hospitality where a band of traditional dancers and drummers with their instruments and fanfare warmly greeting an official guest. 
The former ousted Iranian president Shah Bahlavi had been hosted with a magnificent hospitality by Saudi Arabia in 1975.
The ceremony featured Trump as an emperor though his incendiary discourse at his electoral podium towards his plans for Islamic affairs especially his policy of clamping down immigrants coming specifically from some Islamic countries he had mentioned. However, everything was proven to be a political maneuverability, it's simply the high court fended his attempt off.
Conspicuously, Saudis prefer the way that shows their lavish hospitality, it was just a wave of indignation that the masses feel toward Trump. Otherwise, Saudi formal protocol is the same, i however, can't overestimate if Saudis paid more close attention to their guest Trump. 
What is breathlessly waiting for right now is to catch the fact of what's the new strategy for stability under Trumpism? Somebody told me, "don't wait for man... as usual... billions of dollars of weapon deals." Isn't as usual? Yup.
Anyhow, in the Israeli-Palestinian visit, Trump as usual building on his predecessors' attitudes concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, nothing new, nothing promising. As such, this cause will be suspended until further notice.  
Chronologically, the U.S. presidential visits to the Holyland began with president Richard Nixon who set off on a journey in June of 1974, his visit came to rape up what had been ruined during the War of 1973 "Yom Kippur" with Egypt that was reeling from. Nixon asserted on the final status of that war paving the way towards peace agreement that Nixon had still no strategy for. Furthermore, Nixon tried to convince the Israeli leadership regarding the necessity of military evacuation from the Sinai Peninsula. Nixon at the time delineated the fact of being the first U.S. president to set out on a journey for political compromise after two painful crises the aforementioned war and "Oil Embargo."
In March 1979, President Jimmy Carter topped the list as a second president to visit the area, his keynote at Israeli Knesset came to strengthen the final pillars of the Peace Treaty with the Egyptian side. 
Up till then, the Palestinian side wasn't that remarkable partner in the peace process, the representative of the Palestinian people "Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO" was still in the military confrontation with Israel from South Lebanon.
President Bill Clinton was characterized by the longest visitor to the region throughout the era of the newborn Oslo Peace Accords of 1993 between both Israel and Palestinian side with his four consecutive presidential shuttle visits began in October 1994 when he met with Israeli officials to discuss the insinuations of the peace agreement. In Nov 1995 arrived in Jerusalem to attend the funeral of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. In March 1996, came again with a security plan for countering the wave of violence that broke out in that time, but he didn't meet up with the Palestinian leadership that newly had conducted its first Legislative Council election in January of the same year. And then, his final visit to both sides in Dec 1998 especially in Gaza Strip to attend the inaugurative cutting ribbon event at Gaza  Airport which considered a new hope where president Clinton stepped forward implementing the items of Oslo Accords on the ground step-by-step.
The series of these official visits continued with former president George W. Bush in Jan 2008 during his second term, he met both leaderships in Israel and Palestine, he asserted on the significance of exerting more efforts for keeping the Peace Agreement viable, he stated that "this agreement is a valuable treasury must not be compromised." On the other hand, he showed up at the 60th anniversary of Israeli independence.
With Barak Obama, we come to almost an end until the eve of the Trumpism era. He landed in Israel where he met with the leadership there in March 2013, and as usual, he confirmed the right of the Jewish State of Israel to be secure in peace side-by-side with its neighbors, then met with PA president Abbas.
To recap, I can't find anything distinguishable in this presidential experience on Israeli-Palestinian conflict other than condemning illegal settlement expansion in the Palestinian Territories that supposedly is the area where the emerging Palestinian State according to the final agreement, it includes the sensation of sustainable peace that Jimmy Carter assiduously worked for and he documented it in his book "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid." He, moreover, condemned Israel on several occasions and all the time calls for recognizing the State of Palestine.  
At the moment, let's keep watching out what's the new peace project that Trump will come up with which might be entirely changeable to this repetitive rotine of fruitless peace ventures so far. 



Leftism, if it's the dogma of political equilibrium on the lop-sided political machine, why not cultivating it more in the social fabric?

  My latest attendance at a formal handing over ceremony held by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung -a leftist affiliated German political foundation (Die Linke Party)- in Ramallah, sharpened the whole definition I have had about the leftist environment, it prompts the attempt to insert this definition into the general social context in order to figure out the whole scenery of leftism, whether on the ground where it implements its civil project or on the political podiums where it materializes civil orientations into political ventures showing them to the masses. Therefore, the perplexing social and political realms of conflicting ideologies where a running battle between the Right and the Left in the political equation which is mixed up with their thoughts overflying our heads are used to drum up our voices for their political agendas.
More recently, elections in the U.S.A. and in France later -as being remarkable players in the international policy- stirred up media campaigns and led to breaking out domestic anti-nationalism mobilization, like the series of demonstrations have been occupying the streets in the States against Trump's nationalist plans, and in France against the loser in the latest presidential election Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, to speak out warning from the relentless expansion of extremism.
Trump explicitly maintained nationalism with far-right thoughts that nurture the dogma of extremism which leads Right-wing endorsers to be more anti-immigrants, anti-diversity that includes non-nationalist components. And so as with French case, Marine Le Pen promised on the podium of her electoral campaign a set of ventures that would have ended France up being a far extremist environment rejects the idea of coexistence with non-aborigines, and might have been an impetus for the growing voice of a second Brexit in EU to be held in France. But, the elected Emmanuel Macron of the left-wing came to close down these attempt. He, therefore, declared that "colonization was a crime against humanity" to bring out the tolerant face of France towards outside world.
Basically, the voter in front of this political battle stands up uncertain on which ideology is the right path to walk on if he was an artless has no political background about this punch of political parties, no problem with this indifference as long as there will be good promised services are read out in the discourse of his nominee.
If we want to provoke the issue of how voters are polarized to raise up their voices for certain party, we'll undoubtedly find that the incitement doctrine plays substantially. The right-wing depends on this showing it by incendiary speeches heat the energetic audience up forewarning that the country is under constant threat, its culture will be eradicated by dispatching non-natives into our soil, and the danger of Islamism. Of course, the right-wing employs these allegations to keep its posture up.
As such, the issues of good governance, tackling racism and xenophobia, and marginalized or underprivileged social categories and so forth have barely space on their agenda. The whole matter is warning people from surrounding threats.
On the other hand, the doctrine that the left-wing reflects the way of how it catches up with the ethos and keenly catches people's issues fleshing them out in its political rhetoric. The left-wing incredibly swept the political arena in France and in Austria where far-right populist Norbert Hofer was defeated at the time the far extremist sensation is being solidified.
Recalling the past events, we could touch upon the fact of how the left-wing factions played a role in reviving the issues of women and the rights of disenfranchised. Thus, the 20th century testified the prominence of women issues, like liberation from dominance.
As such, when the left-wing sticks up for humanism, the masses are supposed to find no impassable road to move on espousing leftist dogma as it collides with people's concerns.
At RSL convention, the panelists brought up realistic debate reflects various episodes of protracted social and political struggles, obstructive issues pending until reaching their solutions. Female pioneers calling for an end to coercive masculinity that bends women struggle off because woman must be subordinated to the conservative social dogma that holds them back doing their effective social role. Others shared their grievances about unfair social security policy. A German speaker suggested referring capitalists to the International Court of Justice (ICC), and I wanted to direct this question to him, "How will be the proof of indictment to bring those capitalists to ICC?" Because, most of such international institutions (id not all of them) are dogmatically-capitalist oriented. How dare we could sue capitalists? we maybe could sue those who in charge of capitalist blood-stained war machines. It's a figment of imagination right now!
But, unfortunately, the lack of time thwarted my attempt to figure out this important suggestion. Others shared the idea that leftists much solidify their position everywhere by organizing more dialogue with the masses. This led to some interesting questions relentlessly directed by a Palestinian intellectually saying, "how come we'll be able to mobilize the masses in order to go down the street calling for reformations as long as we don't have people attending this important event with us today?" "Are there many people believing in what are we debating here?  What does "Die Linke" mean for German policy?"
Proceeding from these questions, I argue that leftism requires reconsideration into its political strategy, it must approach the masses not only through leftist-oriented rhetoric which makes the proponents of other factions avoid dealing with accusing it of monopoly. For instance, what has "Die Linke" done in regard to religious-oriented institutions since a great deal of them consider religiosity a plague. Religion however, though its controversy still a dominant actor and might be an asset for "Die Linke" to get its message across to masses by. That guy directed critical questions made him indignant because the realistic issues were being discussed in the hall where just a few people attended. 
It didn't go beyond his expectations that supposedly masses lining up to hear what's RLS doing in our society.
In the garden, I approached a German gentleman directing the same questions, he said, "In fact, there are Germans still don't know what's exactly RLS and Die Linke."
Really?! If so, probably 64 out of 630 seats for "Die Linke" in the Bundestag are insufficient to make German masses aware of what does this socialist party mean at their political arena. I find it without overestimation an accomplishment for a party has just appeared on the German political arena since was founded in 2007.
To recap, RLS as a representative for "Die Linke" if it really spreads out values where the masses feel relieved at some point under the shadow of the fierce ruthless right-wing campaigns that aim at flipping over the straight principled governance, equality, stability, and discarding racism. Then, it has to be more intermingled with all sorts of social categories not only confined on those who are socialists or leftists in general. It has to be present closely to the thoughts of this current generation which is very important to invest in within this technological epoch where misleading media flame up the impact of twisting thoughts in most often. 



"Because God promised us this land!" It's the answer that an Italian human rights observer has been listening to.

   The Southern hills in Hebron city is an untold story, it's a story of fighting over the land, a story of ethnic conflict, a story of dominant ethnic group creeping rapidly to snap as many geographical distances on the expense of the other group as possible.
The other vulnerable group is seen as intruders have no legitimacy according to the charter of the dominant Jewish group. Therefore, this existing equation in the south of Hebron sustains the unresolved conflict. 
An interior overlooking the Etwani village
In two consecutive field tours, I took part in organized by a human rights organization,  some new  facts appeared on the roundtable to be highlighted, as usual in an attempt to relieve the pain of the Palestinian residents who are affected by the confrontation of the struggle of existence, they reside in unrecognized villages in what so-called area (C). This area according to Oslo Accords is under Israeli military rule and its residents undergo military jurisdiction in terms of residency and other civil matters.
These tours were organized cooperatively with an Italian group who resides there all the time to watch out what's going on at the friction point with the settlers path, it's a shared unpaved bypass where school children and other residents of Etwani village and settlers pass through to reach their destinations in the adjacent area of the illegal outpost.
So, the job of those Italian activists is to make sure that the Israeli military vehicle comes down the road on time when the school children get out of their classes.
We arrived on the scene to find out that some school children are waiting under an old growth tree with the Italian observers for the vehicle to come down the road and escort them while they head up to reach their homes. The scene is indeed, was very charming, the wind was fresh and some swarms of birds were hovering over us and chirping. It left me pondering its beauty and wondering, "how much nice this nature, but the human beings who live in aren't." 
One of the Italian observer watching out the operation and waiting with the school pupils for the military vehicle. On the left side, there is  an illegal outpost 
A female headscarfed pupil answered my question when she saw the vehicle is heading down to the friction point, "does the Israeli army make you scared when escorting you?" saying, "Everything makes us afraid here including the army, it, however, not scary as much as settlers, it does provide us with an unregular protection to get to our homes safely."
Our staff including an Italian reporter documenting the operation 
The military vehicle escorting the schoolchildren until they get to their houses safely. The bypass is surrounded by orchards and vineyards owned by settlers on both sides
 After the operation was done, we headed back to meeting up with some residents of the village to listen to their testimonies, we both the Italian and Jerusalem-based (RHR) human rights groups sat down on a roundtable including two Palestinian responsible men and a lady. Our lawyer asked about the story of the bypass, "What's the importance of it for Etwani's residents?" and other related questions in order to make a lawsuit at the Israeli court. After I orally translated them, the man said, "this road had been available for us before the outpost was established, it had been used by the Jordanian army, and we used to walk our cattle passing through it," and continued, "it has a big importance for the residents of our village and other surrounding villages in terms of reaching our destinations rapidly, it shortens the distance among all villages that are linked up with it. Otherwise, it takes us hours walking on the foot to reach our destinations by passing through another remote direction just to get out of the domain where the danger of settlers. Even so, this far reached direction is somewhat safe, it does guarantee safety all the time, sometimes settlers come and attack you off-guard in ambush. I, therefore, assure you that other than this bypass our daily life is totally excruciating."  
Then, the lady pardoned me saying "I would like to share my personal story if possible," my staff listened attentively to her important story, she eagerly started off narrating it aiming at having an answer to her question afterward, "my son was arrested and then indicted of approaching a prohibited zone close to the wire barbed fence of the outpost," she continued, "in the investigative room at the military detention center in Hebron, the interrogator including fearful able-bodied guards didn't allow me to talk to my son or to hire a lawyer in order to back him up in that dreadful moments. This story proved to me how much ignorant we are regarding the Israeli legal system, how does it work with unarmed civilians under military rule? What are our ensured rights accordingly? We know nothing, it's an ambiguous issue. So, I'm wondering if you could as a lawyer enlighten us about this matter."
After my boss explained how does it work, my colleague the lawyer said, "We'll organize a tutoring day to teach you and some law students from the village about Israeli legal system."
And later, all agreed on organizing a festive event by some peace proponents for the villagers in an attempt to back them up including psychiatric sessions for treating those who are morally or physically affected by daily shocking events. 
In Etwani village with our staff
The second tour, conducted to listen to more testimonies and have some formal attorney papers undersigned by the residents to represent them at the court. In fact, since I began working for human rights organizations in 2015, I've heard about many pending lawsuits in the Israeli courts regarding grievances of Palestinians, most of these cases haven't been resolved yet. It's imaginable how the legal process at Israeli courts is procrastinative, it doesn't work fairly in most often. 
Shacks in Toba village on the hill
An Italian observer called us saying, "the Israeli army didn't come on time today to accompany the school children, but thank God they passed safely. However, we have a law student just arrived from Hebron University he lives in another village (Toba) far away from here and it's unsafe for him to pass through that road. So, let's pick him up."
On our way to the shattered village, we chatted in the car, he narrated how tough his journey to get to Yatta (a town nearby their village) and then to Hebron, "there is no transportation, sometimes I couldn't arrive punctually to the class, in addition, I'm suffering a daily anxiety because of potential attacks or chasing down by settlers, this end me up being not accomplished to my academic errands and other related stuff," as he stated.
My colleague, a lawyer, and representative for the villagers in the court
He lives on the hill, the nomadic lifestyle is remarkable though they're not Bedouins, some sparse iron sheets-built houses, barns. They get by on a little energy is generated by a single wind turbine, they have to struggle with blackouts, no constant flood of water, they sometimes extract some aquifers, but they're not allowed to dig up more wells, they try out their best to manage to live with small amount of gallons are bought from Yatta town and delivered by a cistern hooked up with tractor. The road to Toba is bumpy and unpaved, basic services are totally non-existent except the stuff they use to survive because this residential area is unrecognized. I, therefore, felt that it's a village of ghosts. 
However, I liked the picturesque and the nice overlooking around. After we dropped the law student off, we were hosted by his family in a cave is dug out of a huge stone, I have never been hosted in a cave in my life. I thus recalled the nice adventures that my grandmother had been telling us during her experience in caves with her family long years ago specifically under the British Mandate before she passed away. 
Furthermore, I remembered the story of Robinson Crusoe who got lost in a fearful island, because the place of (Toba) and the uninhabited surroundings have some insinuations to that story, I imagined that this place might have the potentiality of occurrence of such fictitious adventures of quarreling with savages.
Heading down to the cave
After we were welcomed, I introduced our organization and its mission in the south of Hebron and the Palestinian Territories in general, then the householder began narrating his unbearable story including the importance of that shared bypass to his village where access is very smooth. Otherwise, he needs to spend much time passing through another risky way, "in 2003, I had to drive a donkey to take my pregnant wife to give birth in a far away hospital," and he continued grievously, "imagine your wife is suffering the pain of childbirth, she was in dire need of intensive care and a gently ride like by an ambulance, but everything was inaccessible to my place without that bypass. Eventually, thank god we could manage her arrival on the back of the donkey which was a very tough ride for her." 
Toba is surrounding by an uninhabited area, the residents face up the danger of displacement, there are a lot of people who may pose a heavy pressure on the Israeli legal decision on it
We understood how much hardships are they bearing on their shoulders those residents, then I asked him "how many children does he have?" he said, "I raised in this cave 9 children." It's another hard fact to be added here is, how could he raise all these children in this completely marginalized area with these impediments? I figured out that those people are struggling with social hardships as well.
Our visit finished with his signature to the legal document to be filed in the court. 
On our long way back to Jerusalem, I chatted with the Italian observer in the car, she explained her legal studies in Italy and shed some light on her experience in Etwani and other villages, "I've been listening to both Palestinian and Israeli novels, those settlers believe in one irreversible thing is "god promised us this land." So, we keep fighting for it and there is no place for the strangers and interlopers," she claimed.

I, by the way, was impressed of how some of those Italian observers speaking Arabic using the dialect of aborigines because some have spent more than a year in between Etwani and other villages' residents monitoring what's going on there.
Unequivocally, our conflict in the Holy Land is one of the most complicated in the world over, a dominant group won't give in seizing more land and the affected Palestinians will keep tasting the bitterness of these systematic expropriation policies in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Hence, I hope that this situation will find its sustainable solution sooner or later during the current ongoing negotiations under the oversight of Trump's administration. If there would be seriousness this time.




بصرف النظر إن كانت في سنوات عمرها ال35 أو 40 أو أكثر، هي تستحق الحب!

سَمِعتُ كثيراً عبارة "فاتها القطار" في مُجتمعي، فتسألت يوماً عما تَعكِسَهُ هذه العبارة التي لا يكاد يخلو منزل من التفَوُه بها لوصف شريحة مُعينة في المجتمع. في الواقع، الأمرُ بِرمَتِهِ يتعلقُ بالمرأة التي يتجاوز هذا التعبير السائد إرادَتَها، فلم تكن السبب سوى أنها تلعبُ دَوراً كمادة تحاك بها حكايات مُجتمع ذُكوري. 

تَسودُ في مُجتمعي الفلسطيني نظرةَ مُتأصلةَ تنصُ على أَنّ من تجاوزت الخامسة والثلاثين أو الأربعينَ من عُمرها، لم تَعُد مُهيأةَ لفرصة الزواج بشكل كبير، وليس العكس فالرجلَ قابلٌ ومُؤهلٌ لهذا الأمر حتى لو تجاوز السبعينَ عِقداَ. فكيف يكون هذا الحال إذا وقعت في براثنِ فخ الطلاق أو الانفصال؟ هذا سؤالٌ يُطرَح والعجبُ العُجاب يدور في رأسي، إنه يُعبِرعن ربما استحالة وقوع الأمر وكأن الانفصال الزَوجي هو بِمثابة حُكمٍ قاسٍ تحملُ المرأةَ وُطأتَهُ.
الأمرُ جدليٌ جداً يُسعِفُنا على وضعه على مَحمَل الجدّ، فلنحاول تسليطَ الضوءِ عليه بالرغم من سيطرتِهِ على كثيرٌ من المَنابر في هذا الزمان، فقد صادَفتُ على وسائل الإعلام قضايا تحاول من خلالها قنوات صوت النساء إثارتِها حول لماذا لَم تعد المرأة التي تجاوزت الفئاتِ العُمريةِ السالفةِ الذكر مُؤهلة؟ أم أن المرأة هي بين المطرقة ِوالسندان مُكبلة بمنظور لا يَدَعُها وشَأنها؟ 
في ذلك أقول على لسانهن، العُمرُهو ليس سبباً لتواجهني بحقيقةِ أنّني قد تجاوَزتُ المرحلة التي تُؤهلني للزواج ومن ثم لا زواج بعد ذلك ولا فرصة لي بِتذوق الحُب الواقعي، أو أذا كان طبياً لأن احتماليةِ الإنجاب بعد سن الأربعين هو ضعيفاً وهو سبب مُقنع للرجل الذي يَنظر لمستقبل زواجي حافلاً بالأطفال. لكن إذا استدعينا هذهِ المسألة للتفكير بها منطقياً، هل يُعدُ هذا المنظور اجحافاً؟ 
لا استطيع البتة القول بِأنه ليس مُجحفاً، فلم تنص الشرائعَ الدينيةِ على حِرمان من هُنّ ذواتِ الأربعينَ فما فوق من الحب والزواج. لكن المنظور الإجتماعي هو دائماً القول الفصل في مثل هذه القضايا، فقد يتجاوز أسُس وعقائِدً فقد كونَه عريقُ التوارث على مَرِ الأجيال، فبات من الصَعبُ قطعياً تغييرَهُ.
فكيف بالإمكان التعديل على سلوكاً اجتماعياً قائماً على وَضع المرأةِ في ظاهرة بمثابة سيف ذو حدين لتخوض قسراً معركةً اجتماعيةً غير متكافئةِ النهايةِ؟ لًطالما أن المجتمعُ الذكوري يُنصِفُ الرجل في النهاية، هنا يتوجبُ عليها النظر بعناية على مسألةِ العمر، بينما الرجل له تاريخ صلاحية يُؤهِلَهُ لتكرار التجربةِ العاطفيةِ مرةً بعد مرة وبعد أخرى إلى أن يصلَ لنتيجة مَفادُها بأنه يتحكم بهذا طالما أن التركيبةِ الإجتماعيةِ تُصرِح له بمبدأ الزواج الرُباعي.
حقيقةً، المسألة تُثيرُ امتعاضي بما يُشاع تداوُلَهُ، على سبيل المثال، فلانة بنت فلان لم يتبقَ في رصيدها العمري الكثير، فعليها أن تجدَ الرجلُ المناسبُ وإلا فقدت نَصيبها وسَيَتجنبُها الكثير من الراغبين لاحقا. فهذا يُعزِّزُ المفهومَ السلبي اتجاه المرأة، يَضعُها في دائرةِ العزلةِ وكأنها شيئاً مختلفاً لتجاوُزِها الفئةِ العمريةِ التي يُفضِلها الذكور، هذا مصدر القلق بحد ذاته من إبقاء معادلة أن المرأة هي مرغوبة طالما أن عمرها يُؤهلها بذلك، ولكن هل يمكنها التحكم بهذا العمر لتبقى على مستوى يروق للرجال؟
أحاول استبعاد هذا الواقعُ من مخيلتي سواء باظهار التصور الجَديد الذي ينبغى أن يكون هو السائِد الذي ينظر للجنس الآخر بأنَهُ صنفٌ بشري مُعادلٌ له بصرف النظر عن سنوات العمر، فهذه تقاليدٌ اجتماعيةٌ بائدة وجب علينا صدها حتى لا تكونَ سبباً في إثارة نعرة التفسخ وفرض العُزلة على من تجاوزنَ الأربعينَ حولاً ولم يحالفُهُنَ الحظ بعلاقة سعيدة.
في الغرب، هذا المَنظور غير مألوف، بامكان المرأة الاستمتاع في هذا الجانب دون قيود اجتماعية كما في المُجتمعات الشَرق أوسطية، أو ما شابهَها حيث رسوخ هذه النظرية التقليدية. على سبيل المثال، المُرشح الفرنسي عن الحزب الإشتراكي في الإنتخابات الرئاسية الحالية "إيمانويل ماكرون" 39 عاما وقع في حُب مُعلمتِه التي هي زوجَتِه الآن على مقعد الدراسة وهو في سن الخامسةَ عشرة من العمر، فهي الآن في عقدها الخمسون. هذه الحالة تشير إلى أن التفاوتَ العُمري أو تجاوز الأربعين للسَّيدات في الغرب لا يلعبُ دوراً كابحاً للمرأة لتحظى بعلاقة عاطفية بعد هذا العمر، لذا نسبة العُنوسة ليست ظاهرة مُهَددة كما في المُجتمعات العربية. 
اختم هذا الموضوع باقتراح يتوجبُ علينا تنفيذَهُ، على مجتمعنا أن يتصالح مع ذاته ويحاول الخروج من الصُندوق والتفكير بجدية بعيداً عن ريبة العَقليةِ الذكوريةِ المُهيمنة ِعلى علاقاتنا الأجتماعية بحيث تُقصي المرأة من دورها كعُنصر بشري مهم في بناء مُجتمع مُتآلف، علينا اقناع انفُسنا بأن الزواج من أربعينية أو أكثر هو ليس عَيباً، لذا يتوجب علينا نشر التوعية حتى تشعرَ المرأة بأنها ليست حَبيسةَ هذا المَنظور الإجتماعي المُتعلق برمته بالعمر.

ملاحظة: المقال يُعبر عن رأي شخصي وليس بالضرورة أن يعكس توجه الأغلبية الساحقة.
