
Leftism, if it's the dogma of political equilibrium on the lop-sided political machine, why not cultivating it more in the social fabric?

  My latest attendance at a formal handing over ceremony held by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung -a leftist affiliated German political foundation (Die Linke Party)- in Ramallah, sharpened the whole definition I have had about the leftist environment, it prompts the attempt to insert this definition into the general social context in order to figure out the whole scenery of leftism, whether on the ground where it implements its civil project or on the political podiums where it materializes civil orientations into political ventures showing them to the masses. Therefore, the perplexing social and political realms of conflicting ideologies where a running battle between the Right and the Left in the political equation which is mixed up with their thoughts overflying our heads are used to drum up our voices for their political agendas.
More recently, elections in the U.S.A. and in France later -as being remarkable players in the international policy- stirred up media campaigns and led to breaking out domestic anti-nationalism mobilization, like the series of demonstrations have been occupying the streets in the States against Trump's nationalist plans, and in France against the loser in the latest presidential election Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, to speak out warning from the relentless expansion of extremism.
Trump explicitly maintained nationalism with far-right thoughts that nurture the dogma of extremism which leads Right-wing endorsers to be more anti-immigrants, anti-diversity that includes non-nationalist components. And so as with French case, Marine Le Pen promised on the podium of her electoral campaign a set of ventures that would have ended France up being a far extremist environment rejects the idea of coexistence with non-aborigines, and might have been an impetus for the growing voice of a second Brexit in EU to be held in France. But, the elected Emmanuel Macron of the left-wing came to close down these attempt. He, therefore, declared that "colonization was a crime against humanity" to bring out the tolerant face of France towards outside world.
Basically, the voter in front of this political battle stands up uncertain on which ideology is the right path to walk on if he was an artless has no political background about this punch of political parties, no problem with this indifference as long as there will be good promised services are read out in the discourse of his nominee.
If we want to provoke the issue of how voters are polarized to raise up their voices for certain party, we'll undoubtedly find that the incitement doctrine plays substantially. The right-wing depends on this showing it by incendiary speeches heat the energetic audience up forewarning that the country is under constant threat, its culture will be eradicated by dispatching non-natives into our soil, and the danger of Islamism. Of course, the right-wing employs these allegations to keep its posture up.
As such, the issues of good governance, tackling racism and xenophobia, and marginalized or underprivileged social categories and so forth have barely space on their agenda. The whole matter is warning people from surrounding threats.
On the other hand, the doctrine that the left-wing reflects the way of how it catches up with the ethos and keenly catches people's issues fleshing them out in its political rhetoric. The left-wing incredibly swept the political arena in France and in Austria where far-right populist Norbert Hofer was defeated at the time the far extremist sensation is being solidified.
Recalling the past events, we could touch upon the fact of how the left-wing factions played a role in reviving the issues of women and the rights of disenfranchised. Thus, the 20th century testified the prominence of women issues, like liberation from dominance.
As such, when the left-wing sticks up for humanism, the masses are supposed to find no impassable road to move on espousing leftist dogma as it collides with people's concerns.
At RSL convention, the panelists brought up realistic debate reflects various episodes of protracted social and political struggles, obstructive issues pending until reaching their solutions. Female pioneers calling for an end to coercive masculinity that bends women struggle off because woman must be subordinated to the conservative social dogma that holds them back doing their effective social role. Others shared their grievances about unfair social security policy. A German speaker suggested referring capitalists to the International Court of Justice (ICC), and I wanted to direct this question to him, "How will be the proof of indictment to bring those capitalists to ICC?" Because, most of such international institutions (id not all of them) are dogmatically-capitalist oriented. How dare we could sue capitalists? we maybe could sue those who in charge of capitalist blood-stained war machines. It's a figment of imagination right now!
But, unfortunately, the lack of time thwarted my attempt to figure out this important suggestion. Others shared the idea that leftists much solidify their position everywhere by organizing more dialogue with the masses. This led to some interesting questions relentlessly directed by a Palestinian intellectually saying, "how come we'll be able to mobilize the masses in order to go down the street calling for reformations as long as we don't have people attending this important event with us today?" "Are there many people believing in what are we debating here?  What does "Die Linke" mean for German policy?"
Proceeding from these questions, I argue that leftism requires reconsideration into its political strategy, it must approach the masses not only through leftist-oriented rhetoric which makes the proponents of other factions avoid dealing with accusing it of monopoly. For instance, what has "Die Linke" done in regard to religious-oriented institutions since a great deal of them consider religiosity a plague. Religion however, though its controversy still a dominant actor and might be an asset for "Die Linke" to get its message across to masses by. That guy directed critical questions made him indignant because the realistic issues were being discussed in the hall where just a few people attended. 
It didn't go beyond his expectations that supposedly masses lining up to hear what's RLS doing in our society.
In the garden, I approached a German gentleman directing the same questions, he said, "In fact, there are Germans still don't know what's exactly RLS and Die Linke."
Really?! If so, probably 64 out of 630 seats for "Die Linke" in the Bundestag are insufficient to make German masses aware of what does this socialist party mean at their political arena. I find it without overestimation an accomplishment for a party has just appeared on the German political arena since was founded in 2007.
To recap, RLS as a representative for "Die Linke" if it really spreads out values where the masses feel relieved at some point under the shadow of the fierce ruthless right-wing campaigns that aim at flipping over the straight principled governance, equality, stability, and discarding racism. Then, it has to be more intermingled with all sorts of social categories not only confined on those who are socialists or leftists in general. It has to be present closely to the thoughts of this current generation which is very important to invest in within this technological epoch where misleading media flame up the impact of twisting thoughts in most often. 


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