
"In search for the excellence" Duzdar

"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." Napoleon Hill
In fact, I was pessimistic that after the intellectual products that brought out by outstanding Arab intellectuals of the 20th century during the intellectual awakening movement, there hasn't been new distinctive intellectualism despite the fact that the Arab World is a fertile environment for intellectual creativity except certain attempts shattered apart across the Arab World. 
The libraries are packed with manuscripts and books show a stunning creativity in the Arabic literature over the early centuries until the colonization era in the Arab World. Therefore, after the end of the second half of the 20th century, the intellectual movement that's driven by like-minded authors has significantly declined. Consequently, the remaining thinkers are struggling to keep the Arabic intellectualism vivid inasmuch as they find stimulative realms to invest in.
Recently, I've been amazed to come over some interesting materials touch upon the reality of the Arab societies, intellectually designed by prolific thinkers whose products could be considered as praised attempts to revive the almost stagnant Arab intellectual movement in order to be the voice of the masses and identity. I, thus, found it interesting to highlight one of these voices.
Sa'ed Duzdar's book "The mind is an ornament: The 
Crisis of modernity in the Arab World."
Sa'ed Duzdar is a growing thinker originally from Palestine, a presenter, and producer of the series of "The Mind is an Ornament." He has been catching my attention due to the interestingly captured topics he is trying to get across to people in the Arab World. These topics mainly focus on the mind and the contemporary philosophy. Through that, he calls for waking up and reconciling with the world. This call is for everyone has turned his back on the life and progression to get back to his human propensity and ally with the universe and block the road off anyone is trying to nurture the conflict between the human being and his humanity. He authored a book titled "The mind is an ornament: The crisis of modernity in the Arab World." 
In this book Sa'ed points out, "I came to search for the other face of the planet, life and human beings with you all. I came to search for the fact with you all. I came to build up an intellectual limitless bridge stretches out to the future with you all."
It's worth mentioning, Duzdar's niece is Muna Duzdar is a high-profile politician who serves as a State Secretary at the Austrian Parliament.
In this episode "The mind is an ornament: The Genie inside you," Duzdar says;
"If the theory didn't fit into practice, it's certainly wrong. Whatever great your hypothesis is as long as was formed by a  great person for you. If we don't examine how we make mistakes, we'll keep making them year-by-year, and will last for decades and generations. Our problem isn't that we don't  respect the mind, thinking, and logic. But, our problem is we fear thinking. Our rational provisions on things are supposedly controlled by the available information. But, if this available information is changeable, mustn't our provisions on things be changed?
You are not supposed to believe in any thing you are told, we are in the age of cognitive flux nowadays, and there are a real knowledge and fake also.
It's possible to create cohesive and potent stories in our minds. However, it's not necessarily that these stories constitute a fact that you are not supposed to believe what I'm telling you now. So, it's a chance to verify and examine it. 
In my opinion, it's the optimum way to bring up useful information and facts. Thus, our lack of sound provisions is resulted by our inability to explore the obvious facts and reject superstitions and obvious contradictions that have been the reason of inflicting us a brain fever which made us talk a language full of ghosts and legends, a language of houses of condolence. It wants to embed ignorance and fear in which it's unable to adapt to the fact and with what's natural and natural creatures. We are the most valuable device on this planet, it's the rationality device. But, there are who refuse to use it and there are who don't want to set it on the sound wave like the old radio appliance in his hands. He's insistent on listening to disruptions and he got used to listening to this voice. And, there who on the wave now and would like to get out of this mental disruption to look for real motives and stimuli to explore the life and its core.
Because he became a believer that there are many things could be discovered just if he has decided to get into the deeper level of this world. Many youths are wondering about the kinds of these motives. The first thing presumably is searching for things that don't stimulate us and there are many of them, it's a conditional remuneration like if you have done so, you'll receive that. If you put this condition on yourself in most often you're destroying the substantial self-motivation. Because, if any wrong has occurred to thing that you're doing and you haven't succeeded in, it would affect you psychologically because you failed in firstly and, moreover, you didn't get the remuneration that you had been waiting for. Consequently, you killed your intrinsic motivation.
The second is, the effect of media when we flip TV's channels, we don't change them because we are bored of, but because we're grumpy at there isn't a person whom you don't trust is trying to make you anxious and confused, not because of mistakes but because of movies. For instance, the movie's protagonist keeps making wrong decisions over the episodes which lead to your frustration. Because he is a reflection to your subjectivity and you like to see your subjectivity through his behaviors and decisions or through the advertisements that make you feel and remind you of that you lack in something; your hair falls out, your stomach hurts you, your teeth aren't white enough as needed. Your flipping to channels isn't a boredom, it's an anger that might keep away from motives. You're not supposed to turn all media off in your life, but you must be careful and attentive to the psychological and negative consequences that could reach you out by this appliance.
The good motives that could help you to excel and improve your performance are the attempt of changing and turning the practices into action, by adding an entertainment element to practice it and remember it.
If I have to memorize a presentation, why shouldn't I sing or perform it theatrically? The idea is to bring it in your area where you feel comfortable and have fun in. Always remind yourself of reaching ingenuity phase or mastership which require things like a mentality incrementally develops which is conceived that "you don't have what's endless, and your talent or the work you're doing could always be improved if you put in the further effort," as well as, thinking of some suffering to reach ingenuity and perfection. Because you should get out of your convenience area and later your body and mind begin controlling and adapting themselves to create a new level of equilibrium in the area where you are.
This is exactly what happens when doing weight-lifting exercises at Jem center if you want to augment your muscles, you need to lift up stuff heavier than you could bear in order to start observing the difference. The same thing is applied to your mentality and practices in the things that you're trying to be masterful at to get to an ingenuity phase. In addition, you have to be totally convinced that despite everything, you won't reach the end line, you'll reach a line close to it or where you're about to reach it. However, you won't touch it. This is the way that helps you expand. 
Furthermore, one of the important things of motivation is the reason that supposedly you're linked with things bigger than you, this is the core of the reason. The thing is not only related to your personal success, but also there are a participation and an addition to the world that surrounds you at least. So, link this core reason in addition to what you are doing to develop yourself, and ask yourself every day; "Have I developed a little bit to reach this goal and core reason?" Remind yourself every day at dusk and ask yourself, "Is there a little improvement today more than tomorrow?"
It's time to write down your story by your pen and in your notebook in order to not read it a distorted story in others' stories!"

The end
The whole text above is an audiovisual episode available in Arabic.

Translator: Nasser Al-Qadi

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