
 Comments on the list of 13 conditions to revoke the Qatari diplomatic boycott by Abed Al-Bari  Atwan translated from Arabic

    Recently, the Arab Gulf States including Egypt that carry out a diplomatic onslaught against Qatar set up a list of 13 conditions that Qatar must implement in order to suspend this diplomatic boycott. Here are they read out by Abed Al-Bari Atwan -a Political analyst- who has set up a campaign to fiercely defending the Qatari regime.

He says, "In the name of God the merciful. In this weekly meeting, I'll talk about a paper is presented by Kuwait on behalf of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt, it's a list contains 13 conditions to the Qatari State, it's a very dangerous. But without ignoring congratulating you all on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr despite there is no Eid or "happiness" due to the distressing facts of 17 million hungry of our people in Yemen, cholera is perishing their souls, and more than 1500 Yemeni children have died so far as a result. There are 300 of international aid organizations warning that there are approx. 300 thousand people under the threat of potential death given to this fatal plague. Furthermore, our brothers and people in Gaza Strip having less than 4 hours electricity daily and might go total blackouts. The weather is sweltering, hunger and a stifling blockade in Gaza Strip. In Jordan, the living expenses are unaffordable and so as in many other Arab States without forgetting blockade over Qatar. 
Of course, this blockade might be different, may God help our Qatari brothers because they haven't got used to undergoing such conditions as us. I also felt sad about the Qatari camels were entrapped in Saudi Arabia where some would have died; I felt so for their shepherds as well. How come! Even the camels are doomed to carry the brunt of this crisis more than human beings in a way or another which they aren’t guilty. Concerning the 13 conditions list, it's a humiliating and overburdening in my estimation
Look! For instance, the first condition is, closing down Al-Jazeera Channel. Imagine Qatar without Al-Jazeera ChannelThe second condition, “closing down the Turkish military base,” Qatar asked for the Turkish protection, there are some hundreds of military personnel including a few tanks. So, what can they do in encountering huge swarms of F 15s F16s... And so on?                                                                 
The third condition, "reducing the scope of the relationship with Iran,” in the past they demanded a total boycott on this relationship." Qatar replied, "Oman, Kuwait, and the UAE consecutively have such relationship. Not to mention, the sizable commercial exchange between them and Iran which estimated to be more than 15 billion $," they apparently changed their mind and kept in the position of keeping trade relations but cutting down on the diplomatic and political ties or make them not as usual.
The fourth demand is a very dangerous which "requires cutting relations with Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra Front, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, and finally Hamas." But, how come! What’s the matter with Hamas? it's far away and out of the crisis domain. It's an Islamic resistance movement, even it has learned good lessons from the past. It, therefore, stands up neutrally in this crisis and stated its opposing attitude towards backing up neither Saudi Arabia nor its alliance nor Qatar despite the fact the last one has supported it on several occasions. But, Hamas movement is required to do so.

The fifth demand, "Qatar is required to cut off all funding for all media outlets or what so-called the Qatari Media Emperor whether in London or Istanbul and shut down many electronic websites that it established." As I know more than 1 billion $ has been spent on these media channels. So, imagine Qatar without Al-Jazeera channel!
The sixth, "Qatar is required to hand over a list of opponents' names from the Gulf who resorted to Qatar as a sanctuary whether from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE and it's forbidden hosting any of them in the future, as well as, it includes extraditing them to their governments." It's a big problem, perhaps some of them have been residing there for many years like those from the leaderships of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas'. No doubt, some of Hamas's leaders already left for Beirut, Iran or as said some went back to Gaza. Therefore, they are wanted and must be extradited.
The next point is, "offsetting the three Gulf States including Egypt for the damages that they've incurred because of Qatari policies." But, do these States need money? The Arab Emirate has a treasury of more than 900 billion $! or Saudi Arabia that alone paid about 500 billion $ for Trump in return for weapon deals, and investments in the U.S. economy and infrastructure.
Thus, in my estimation whether these States are in need of money or not, they're escalating and complicating the conditions. But, as I said the goal is subordinating the Qatari State.
Moreover, there are 320 billion $ for Qatar are deposited in its fund in Saudi Arabia. The demand here is withdrawing this amount of money until the last dollar. This cruelty in their conditions is overseen by the U.S.A. that gives them a green light. The U.S.A. wants to seize Qatari billions. Even so, Qatari signed 11 billion F15 warplanes deal, it apparently didn't satisfy Trump's greediness, he needs much more.
I want to point out the question if Qatar refused these conditions -and this is potential- what would happen? What are the strides towards it?
There is a complete plan, it's a well-concerted, there is a threat of cutting electricity off Qatar, Doha will be like Gaza, imagine the temperature there is 55 C, in addition, the threat of withdrawing the Saudi and Emirati Stokes from Qatari banks. These stokes are estimated by more than 18 billion $. It will undoubtedly lead to a crash or semi crash in the Qatari banking system; we don't know what they hide. "Qatar will face severe sanction," according to Dr. Anward Qarqash the Emirati minister of foreign affairs who also stated, "we don't want to change a regime, but we want to change policies."
To whom you're telling lies, how will you change policies without changing the regime? Changing policies means changing the regime. If Qatar accepted these conditions, the entire regime would be changed.
I personally don't distance the military intervention. Of course, Qatar isn't innocent, it took part in aggression on Yemen, it has funded opposing movements in Syria. Moreover, these movements in any way have contributed to murdering dozens, hundreds or thousands of Syrians and destabilized the country. It's an existing and substantiated proof, even it was admitted by Hamad Ibn Jasim the former Qatari minister of foreign affairs who said once, "we were asked to be on the front seat of the Syrian crisis, and then we were asked to move to the back seat, we've funded factions and fronts there." And Mohammed Al-Joulani the head of Al-Nusra Front showed up on Al-Jazeera channel for two times. However, what's Qatar exposed to is significantly oppressive and unfair.
In all cases, if Qatar accepted these humiliating conditions, it may be surprised with new other demands later on. Now, there is personal hostility in addition to the hostility among the conflicting countries. There is a desire for retaliation.
I, therefore, expect the aggravation of these sanctions whether Qatar has accepted them or not. But, if hasn't accepted them, maybe the situation would inflame to reach a military confrontation.
There is a different rule in the Saudi Arabia, there is Mohammed Ibn Salman a newly appointed prince who doesn't have any friendliness towards Qatar. We consequently are not astonished that this prince who drove the battle on Yemen and launched this military campaign. He imposes the blockade over more than 26 million in Yemen. I, thus have no doubt that he will drive his forces to Qatar.
Dating back to 1992, we remember the "Koufos" war when Saudis forcefully changed the borders with Qatar and blocked down Qatari crossing with the UAE. Also, in 1996, there was a coup attempt at the time a large scale of "Banu Murrah" tribe's individuals had been recruited and backed up the former Shiekh Khalifa Ibn Hamad Al-Thani -the grandfather of the current Prince Tamim. As a result, it would have led to a massacre.These demands that Qatar is required to fulfill in 10 days only, imagine it quitting relationships with Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and kick Turkish airbase out ...etc in 10 days! This deadline is incapacitating.I think three days ago we celebrated two weeks of the Gulf or Qatari crisis. We'll keep writing until a month has passed on this event or maybe two or six months, maybe one or two years. God knows! What's going on is like in Yemen.

   Thank you."

To be continued ...

Available in Arabic on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnCIsHFZpAg 
Translator Nasser Al-Qadi

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