
You, in the industrious countries! Why are you complaining?

    Based on my observations and through the discussions I have had thus far. 
Of course, all peoples in this earth irrespective in developed or developing countries are grappling with challenges in their life. I would assert on a fact, that there are people in industrious countries don´t appreciate the things available to them or provided to them by their governments. Therefore, you find them keep whining, "the financial situation is deteriorated, work stress, high taxes ... etc." ignoring the valuable things could be taken advantage of, especially those alcohol and drug addicts aimlessly spending their times in the streets doing nothing. 
I would just tell you something that you´re very lucky to have been in these countries whether a resident or a national due to the following; 
Education is available, almost free of charge in some countries, funding foundations that provide various sets of help are available.
Job opportunities, even if was difficult to find for a certain period, you'll finally find it. Even if you are jobless, there are centers waiting for your application or request to help you out with finding a job suits your aspirations. You don't have qualifications, it's fine, these centers will assist with providing the required training courses. 
Freedom of expression, safety, and democracy, in general, are available.
Sophisticated educational and technological systems where smart pioneers graduated from in all sorts of sciences are to teach you success stories, prestigious universities, institutions, forums where you could earn the best modern knowledge you seek, are available, too.
Barrier-free travel with strong passport authorizes you to go wherever you want without damn visa restrictions, is available.
There are actually lots of facts and privileges that millions around the world are struggling to have, and struggling to come to your country to get a perfect education, which easily provided. 
Not to mention, sometimes they lose the chance either because of your complicated bureaucracy that might be time-consuming or they end up surrendered to the not possible visa requirements.
Just look attentively at these facts and look at yourself! Don't complain anymore about any challenges you have! They are really nothing compared to the challenges encounter those in the so-called the "Third World," though I reject this term, for instance. 
You aimless drug/alcohol addicts, get up and go take advantage of what you have, learn and don't stay in the street begging bystanders to hand out some bennies. You don't have any justification. Be aware, thousands maybe even millions of students around the world wish to come over to where you are in order to develop their knowledge, career, so on and so forth. 
I met up with such aimless people in Germany, I found out that the government provides them with aid to support themselves. However, in return, they don´t want to do so. Also, I ran into nonnationals who have been there for many years speaking German fluently, which is helpful to engage with the market. 
Paradoxically, life is open up to them to do whatever successfully, they simply don´t want to work ... I think those aimless in the developing world might be blameless for being in poor countries, they might have tried out to be in a perfect situation though.

Life is full of contradictions! Isn´t it?

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