
Globalizing culture ... The needed beneficial project for the globe! 

"Globalization is the process of the shrinking of the world, the shortening of distances and the closeness of things." Thomas Larsson 

When I read such a definition to globalization, I find myself exploring everything around me without paying much efforts to do so, as everything is under my sight!
Therefore, I conceive the world a better place if we create a status of rapprochement among all societies. This requires overstepping the traditional thinking towards globalization, as it's all about "products invaded our society from other totally different societies." These products or brands are part of a new culture came into our society. What's needed is the bridge to get global societies into dialogue to see one another up-close in order to find solutions for certain dilemmas available in other societies. 
It became very obvious than ever that the world at the brink of growing dilemmas, like homicides, drugs, suicide, climate change, human rights, racism, sexism ... etc. These are considered the impediments that the world goes through, which are being developed with new challenges affect stability in all societies. For instance, they mainly erode the state of sociopolitical security, and whenever security is violated, lots of other sectors end up being starkly affected. 
In addition, it's illogic to address that these impediments are only relevant to certain society, ethnicity, or culture, but, they are global affairs matter all societies. Meanwhile, it´s undeniable to point out to the fact that the rates of these dilemmas are varying from society to another. For instance, in Denmark, such rates are barely existent or quite lower than in Mexico or other African countries due to a high poverty rate that led to deteriorating internal security. Eventually, this is a global phenomenon facing all societies, which demands strenuous joint efforts to stand up against with the perfect solutions. 
As such, it´s also kind of a plague these societies are suffering from, and I think it´s time for dialogue to set up a strategy to fight it.
"Issues like human rights and war, ecological problems, drugs, and crime, economic instability, and inequality are seen as global rather national problems that require global coordination or global interventions for a solution." Luke Martell
How can we work for depleting this phenomenon then? I think globalizing cultures, is the most needed process to exert much effort more than ever. By this, the gap of ignorance among the plagued societies, considering the reality of the extent to which they are globalized makes them immensely exposed to change that these societies are endlessly seeking in order to create a state of stability in all walks of life. 
So, who is comfortable with the aforementioned dilemmas?! Of course nobody.
When we bring various cultures together, we´ll be able to introduce how other societies tackle such dilemmas with their innovative tools, or to present the fact why these societies don't have such dilemmas? Or, how have they overcome this?
Of course, the openness to other societies shows new perspectives, orientations, strategies, thoughts ...etc. which might be inspiring for the host society, or the globalized society per se. To bring up an interesting example, over the past years, I observed how much my society has been advancing in many fields by bringing in new cultures. Therefore, my people could understand that lots of dilemmas incessantly in need of cooperation with outside societies in order to bring in new beneficial ideas. On the other hand, when my society becomes completely modernized, it'll be a role model and productive receptive to lucrative opportunities for more investment with these societies. Otherwise, this process is hampered by the existence of the aforementioned dilemmas, which leads to undermining its reputation, which is necessary for these societies to come and invest in. 
"Palestinian poverty will not be reduced without Palestinian participation in the processes of globalization." Ariel J. Leinwand
This in terms of the economy, that I can imagine without cultural exchange, this sector won´t be developed, and I highly believe it's one of the most promising tools for solving lots of problems. Other than that, acculturation process curbs misconceptions that we need more than ever nowadays for overcoming global problems, as well, like racism, discrimination, xenophobia ... etc. that sadly media outlets, especially the growing social media, don't significantly show the positive sides in other societies to encourage the people of other societies to come in and invest in. This is the needed beneficial investment that not only for the globalizing sides but also, for the globalized ones. Indeed, it's time to conceive what does our image mean in the mirror of the other.

"The UN agencies help countries to join the international trading system and enact business-friendly legislation. Markets don't function in a vacuum. Rather, they arise from a framework of rules and laws, and they respond to signals set by Governments and other institutions." William Robinson
Such channels are what we should pay close attention to achieve our goals of strengthening cultural ties, as they have a strong presence in the host societies. Moreover, along with the track of them, linguistic institutes play instrumentally, too, they show the cultural values, history, success stories, so on and so forth. It´s all about the convergence of views they provide. 

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