
Why they´re committing suicide?!

The case that starkly triggered my attention to speak out this time is the story of Emily, a 24-year-old Belgian girl who had agreed to conduct a documentary film before she succumbed to doctor-assisted death, by getting a lethal injection. 

"I am Emily, I am 24 years old and from Belgium. And this documentary is about my request for euthanasia because of mental suffering. And when you see this documentary, I won't be here anymore," said Emily
Emily, you were a beautiful girl! You did what you had wished to do. If I had known you, I would have taken you on a trip to some places in this world. Let's begin with the Middle East, just to make a small comparison between your life in Belgium and the semi-life that other peoples have, and explore by your own eyes that there are people don't have safety, food or still starving living on crumbs thrown in the streets, their lives are restricted by either fierce rulings or social hegemony, they almost don't own any kind of liberties to do whatever they want even inside their houses. If they ever dared to do anything, which is considered the simplest rights provided to you in Belgium, they will end up jailed or I dare to say, murdered!
In Belgium, if you uncovered one day any attempt to violate any of your rights, then you can speak out and end up regaining them.
It's the reality where you were living that millions around the world wish to have in their life, wish just to get kind of freedom to practice what do they believe in. But, they can't due to the aforementioned reasons.
I wish I could have told you that, yes, life is full of challenges even in the happiest country in the world, Denmark. However, the human being should think out of the box and look at what's going on behind the curtain, this might be a pain-healing.
I have no doubt that Belgium is an amazing country where enjoyable things you could do, which might have been deterring for this painful decision. I understand this probably does nothing with mental suffering that is sometimes chronic and incurable. Moreover, I don´t try to tease you either by showing that your suffering was controllable, I have no idea what was it exactly though.
But, seriously, when a human being reaches a desperate point, this doesn't mean that there is no alternative at all. I strongly believe that what I am suggesting here is kind of cure, will change something, and somewhat encouraging to get over this.
Yes, of course, it's an interesting example, there are millions who wish minimally to have a kind of stability that you had in Belgium. Had you ever thought of homeless? Imagine their situation in this chilling winter!
A more specific example, in Palestine, we have never enjoyed stability in our life! It´s plagued by conflict, daily clashes, blockades, barriers, and even socially the rules are very hegemonic. So, freedom is violated almost in all walks of life. It´s a real open air prison!
Meanwhile, people don't dare to commit suicide, they try their best to be happy and move on with this life whatever happens. However, I can't deny that given to the hopelessness, there have been some suicidal cases, which is rare. And might be justifiable for you to commit suicide under such circumstances.
I'm sorry for what happened and really sorry for your mother who keeps on her pain by watching this tragic documented decision all the time. It's an unforgettable pain!
Anyway, I wish this message would have an echo and be heard by those who are suffering from nothing other than their obsessions, which isn´t difficult to get rid of.

I wish my message to those who tend to commit suicide would be deterrent! 

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