
The last day in 2018. What I have had in this going year?

Finally, this year has come to an end, and it´s an experience made me point out to the fact that our time is running swiftly without realizing it! I really feel that 2018 began yesterday and today is going to an end. 
How can we realize it? How can capitalize on each day without losing it? It´s like something in your fists but you can´t control it! This is my feeling though. 
What I remember during this year, days begin and after a short period, the end. 
I used to start my day with certain tasks and then find myself in the evening without a realization that the day has just ended. Sometimes I finished the tasks, while some tasks were time-consuming so that I needed more days to get them done. The lifestyle I had begun living years before and continued in 2018 is practiced within an atmosphere full of diversity that I used to live up to in my small world, my room. Even though this world is very small compared to what´s going on outside, I assure the possibility of being conversant with lots of matters around the world. 
World´s sociopolitical and cultural affairs made me preoccupied with to the degree I sometimes found myself shackled up by these affairs. Thus, my social relationships locally significantly declined, I no longer go to social occasions, like weddings, graduations ... etc. I observed that in 2018, just attended very few occasions and paid only some visits to relatives during religious holidays, and of course, parents, brothers, and sisters.  
In this matter, admittedly, I became really uninterested much in social integration anymore that 2018 experience showed to me. It´s the result of openness to the world that invaded my life. But, I can´t dwell upon the point that this isn´t an enjoyable experience, at all! In the end, I want to do things make me happy and my life easier. It´s life inherently full of task, duties, errands, and activities to move on with, to make it easy, to live it peacefully, and if there is a certain problem, it requires us to do these stuff to overcome and retrieve the state peace.
It´s our nature, human beings, we tend to live in peace or within a constant status of quietness and serenity. However, the evil power can´t be left out in our writings, as they tend to undermine this peace or that quietness. 
2018 was a year of hope for me, a year that I exerted strenuous efforts to make my dreams come true, no matter how much was accomplished as long as there are a solid hope and belief that everything will be attainable one day.
Meanwhile, and as a Palestinian blogger still living in Palestine, the surrounding socio-political troubles let me down and made me lose the hope frequently. However, the stuff I´m doing was like a weapon defended me against sometimes unbearable challenges. This pushed me to go through a "telepathy" process that stirred up by such questions kept hovering over my head, "Would I one day get out of this troubled realm?" Would I one day live within the status of quietness?" "Would I one day get rid of those obsessions that overwhelmed me due to long years of living within a social realm still struggling with social restrictions?"
It ´s a reality that I didn´t create, and I will not tend to contribute to creating, either. I was born within such a tense atmosphere. Therefore, I´m not guilty of what´s going on, it´s not my fault. It´s the tangible result of human beings´ conflicting orientations and ideologies that they believe in, which led them to create such a reality. Yes, it wasn´t my guilt to have been within such a realm.
2018, was a year that gave me the chance to explore new stunning things around the world, this was being managed through the multilingualism journey that I began setting off on 8 years ago, and moved on with up till now. It´s the endless journey that I´m proud of. It gives me stronger hope every day, as it paves the path to me to reach out amazing friends and success stories that empower me to be stronger enough and able to grapple with this life´s circumstances that is full of complexities and dilemmas left me to explore how other peoples manage their life.
Upon engaging with lots of conversations with friends from abroad either on social media or at events, I always concluded our conversations that, "Kindly, don´t look at the empty side of the cup, but at the filled side!" There was a long argument behind this. For instance, the matter of committing suicide caught my attention much, especially in industrious and rich countries where stability. I argued that you own what millions around the world don´t own, so why do you murder yourselves?! This kind of conversation I used to manage for the purpose of making people think well before stepping in tragic decisions. 
Of course, our world is full of challenges make people psychologically unable to resist, but, there is always an alternative might be hidden somewhere, just pursue it. 
The most important thing, this year was colorful with the possibility of learning new things almost on daily basis was really smooth since these languages opened up the gates to explore whatever I wanted. These languages, English, German, and Arabic my native,  tied me up with their special worlds, that I can´t easily resist their taste. I ended up being addicted to stick up with the melting pots. 
What made this experience even more promising, my involvement with ITALKI Co, a global network for teaching almost all the languages around the world. It´s the new job I began as a teacher for my native language.
I have had an amazingly diverse experience with students from different backgrounds, that I have a strong expectancy to enhance my knowledge with them.
To sum up, life is always full of challenges that sometimes it´s not in our power to get rid of or water their effect down. Therefore, we should consider the amazing things that we could do and push them out to the reality and inspire people around. This what makes life wonderful!             

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